Is this karma? Can we not go through this everytime.

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"Come down, we have to leave if you want to the amusement park on time"

"Coming"  A little voice would be heard running down the stairs.

Wei Ying took a breathe of premature relief as he turned around to look at his child...his singular child.  "Wait, where is your brother?"


"A-Yuan, Where is your brother?"

I'll go fetch him mom, don't get mad okay, I'll go get him" said A-Yuan as he run up the stairs at the speed of light.

That boy is just like his father..always wary of upsetting his mom.  To be fair the vast majority of the family have been acting as if they're walking on eggshells, afraid they'll trigger something and upset him unnecessarily, Wei Ying thought as he slid his hand on his stomach. Or as he liked to call it his whoopsie.

To be fair, this time it really wasn't singularly his fault, that didn't lessen Lan Zhan's insane panic when he found out. Thank the lord for Wen Qing because Lan Zhan was totally against any further risk and potentially losing Wei Ying. Which was understandable. Yes, Wei Ying thought, they really got lucky this time round. Here he was seated, waiting for his children, in his ninth month perfectly healthy. Huge, like seriously somehow, even though he was carrying less, he felt bigger than before...(Lan Zhan had said no but what does he know he doesn't have to waddle everywhere. Mister perfectly fit and non pregnant)
Wei Ying almost felt like crying honestly, when he had found out he'd been so scared, for such a different reason than the first time. He didn't even tell Lan Zhan immediately he just told Wen Qing. ...well he told her 5 times because in his panic he couldn't get it out the first four.

Why had he panicked more, well because the moment he found out he was pregnant again, he instantly fell in love. He loved his children so much... he couldn't dream of possibly letting go. They really really were lucky that everything was all clear.
Wen Qing even said he was healthy enough to run a marathon, then she looked straight at him and went "do not run a marathon, do not even look at a marathon, you should still rest, a lot. And don't pick up your kids, I don't care how much they cry, if need be I'll send A-Ning." And a hundred other orders that were followed because he didn't want to risk anything. Mind you it still took a while to convince Lan Zhan. He had nearly lost him once. But here they were nine months along and pregnant with... Wei Ying had to mentally snicker, really his reaction when he found out that this time, oh this time the great Hanguang Jun still had to be a little bit over the top. Well I guess I should be glad I'm only carrying two this time kekekeke.

Though Lan Qiren's fainting spell nearly made it worth all the aches and pains that came with two kids. Speaking of kids. " HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU NEED TO GET DRESSED GET GOING, DO NOT MAKE ME COME UP THERE, YOUR FATHER WILL KILL ME FOR GOING UP EXTRA STEPS AND YOU TOO ALONGSIDE ME. "

Wow..all you had to do was name drop their father and down they come running.. really and truly Lan Zhan's power over them was ridiculous. Wei Ying carries them, births them, loves them, feeds them, cloth them, plants them on the ground to grow and then Lan Zhan comes does everything except birthing and planting, gives them toys and boom all of them daddies precious angels. AHH little traitors the whole lot. To be fair though he was on the Lan Zhan team as well.

Lan Zhan entered the room after he heard screams coming from the house. "Wei Ying, why are you standing, sit or wait in the car with the girls, there's the air-condition switched on" his voice soft and gentle. 

Which let me tell you was another thing that was different this pregnancy, the juxtaposition between mister oh honey sweet pea are you okay and the um hmem the Lan Zhan under the sheets. Thank god Wen Qing gave them the sex go ahead this pregnancy or he would have gone crazy. Like seriously, ohh what a beast. Then he has the nerve to act like he's a saint of abstaining. Okay fine, Lan Qiren is the one who's going on about that train but just ugh it wasn't fair why was his husband such a beast with an innocuous face.

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