I just wanted a stress free morning and a bagel.

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"Mister Lan, I presume you're the one since you fit the ridiculously long description the idiot had given of you, would you like to explain why you've just brought in a patient who is now unconscious, right after I had seen him in decent health this morning? "

Wen Qing was not amused. The idiot's boyfriend (and baby daddy, I mean he had to be with the way that dude would mope look at his image than instantly touch his stomach and sigh), finally finally showed up (earlier than she expected to be honest) and instead of peaceful morning she was promised when she left the apartment, he brought along him and Wei Wuxian's entire extended family. Along with the tensions of the idiot's random disappearance from the Lan and Jiang's life four months ago.

"He needed to avoid tension, beside eating better and relaxing he desperately needed to avoid tension...so who's bright idea was it, to bring tension to his doorstep and into our living room" Wen Qing said as she glared at the whole group, particularly glaring in Lan Qiren direction who had been lecturing on the whole situation whilst rushing to the hospital.

"Can I see him?" Lan Zhan asked desperately

"He's currently asleep, which is for the best since he's needed a rest at this stage and hasn't been able to because of his job. Despite my advice. When he wakes up you may see him AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT CAUSE HIM TENSION OR DISTRESS" She folded her arms. "the minute I sense even a sliver of stress I'm throwing you out am I clear"

"Why does he need so much rest, what's wrong with my brother? Has he been neglecting his health that much?? " A-li said close to tears after finally finding her brother only to find out he's fainted and is apperently very unwell. How was this even close to the definition of fine.

"It's not exactly a neglect if he was not in his state and condition but..well... Considering he's five months pregnant he needs way more rest and the situation he was in was not ideal.. too much unnecessary tension, work, immense sadness and longing" Wen Qing explained, looking at Lan Zhan towards the end of her sentence.

"A-Xian is pregnant?? "
"I beg your pardon, I seem to have misheard Wei Wuxian is what?"(that does explain his stomach though)
"That BASTARD ISS WHAT?? And he didn't tell me"

" I believe I JUST said tension was bad, and yes he is 5 months pregnant, which apparently is a shock to you all... even though it's not exactly an invisible bump..too small for his term yes but still there."

Lan Zhan simply stared at the door which marked Wei Ying's room in a very intense stare, like he couldn't believe the love of his life was only a door away.

"Is it even Wangji's?"
"Teacher Lan are you trying to accuse my brother of cheating?!"
"Well why else would he have left? With no word to anyone, whilst apparently endangering the child like the irresponsible person he is. " Not to mention how could it be possible that my Wangji has...has

Lan Zhan seemed to grow angrier with every word, he was about to turn and tell his uncle to stop, when suddenly he hears a very frail tired voice.

Lan Zhan's heart jumped and he turned and entered the room with a gentle "I'm here, Wei Ying"


"Mister Lan I will not allow you to insult a patient without even knowing his side of the story, especially one who I now consider family. If you're here for trouble I will demand that you leave the premises, am I clear?"

Lan Qiren turned red.."clear."
This situation still didn't sit right with him.

Five hours of Lan Zhan holding Wei Ying's hands, and marvelling at finally having Wei Ying in his arms, as the man slept peacefully, later.

Wen Qing is not amused.Where stories live. Discover now