I can't

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Sun and Stars : Please just tell me you're safe, I love you. ❤

It hurt. It hurt to see that message but not as much as it hurt knowing that if he stayed he'd ruin Lan Zhan's life. He wasn't stupid. He knew instantly what it meant when he first saw the two lines whilst on the toilet seat crying his eyes raw.


Wei Ying always knew he had to be careful. He doesn't remember much about his parents, they passed away in an accident back when he was five. After that he was shuffled from orphanage to orphanage for two to three years until he was found by his uncle. He loved his family, he really did. His Shijie was the most beautiful human being ever and he'd kill the peacock for her, she was worth prison time any day. He loved his brother, even when A-Cheng pretended that he would rather he didn't have to deal with him. He loved his aunt and uncle, even though Madam Yu would probably kill him for even thinking about her as his aunt. But most of all he loved Lan Zhan. So Much. How could he not, he was so loving and caring and so attuned to everything he was thinking. He just loved him, and he couldn't believe it took him so long to realise that the other loved him back. So why was this happening to him. He had been so careful. He remembered what his mom had told him, one of the few things she had always told him to be careful about. So why was the stick looking at him in vengeance

He nearly did it, picked up the phone to text him, he was going to. He really was.. he was picking up the phone and everything to message him... I'll tell him this weekend, ease him in.

His phone beeped he had almost forgot he has previously messaged Lan Zhan,

Suns and stars - I have good news about the university...

Shit..., his scholarship.... I can't .... i just can't ... i can't ruin this for him. He had been working hard for the whole two years they've been dating.

It was too much, he couldn't stop crying. Here he was, but he couldn't drop the bomb on him. He just couldn't ruin his beloved's life. Lan Zhan had a full scholarship in front of him. He had a life and prospects. Wei Ying didn't.

Wei Ying didn't have anything, all he had were dead parents. Madam yu would kill him if she found out. Uncle Jiang would be so disappointed, he couldn't do this to the man who took him in. He couldn't disapoint then that way. He'd be a disgrace....the orphan that they took in that brought them shame.

How can he tell this to Jiang Cheng and Shijie.. they be so disappointed. Would they even understand. Shijie might but he couldn't burden her that way. Jiang Cheng would probably be disgusted. Everyone would judge him and Lan Zhan... he couldn't bare it, not if they judged Lan Zhan when he's always been perfect.

Lan Qiren was right..he was just a stain on Lan Zhan's life. He couldn't do this to him it wasn't too late to simply get rid of it. Yes, get rid of it, problem solved....That's all he had to do. He sure he could get the money somehow, it would be easier for everyone. Out of sight out of mind.



But he thought as his hand lowered to his stomach...but ...how can I?.... I can't...I can't get rid of something Lan Zhan gave me. I can't ...what if it looks like him. What if it has his eyes. What if... What if it had his hair, or his voice, what if it smiles like Wei Ying and had Lan Zhan's beautiful eyes. He couldn't possibly harm anything that would look like him and Lan Zhan. He was scared. He was so so scared, so scared of never seeing Lan Zhan again, how could he not be but... he was way more scared of losing what he had just learnt he gained. "I'm sorry Lan Zhan. I promise this won't cause you any problems. I'll take care of everything"

And so Wei Ying packed two bags, left a hurriedly scribbled note and caught a train in the cold morning air before anyone could get home and try to stop him.


My hubby <3 <3 I'm Sorry. Please forget me.

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