For the millionth time I AM FINE

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The next day Wei Ying seemed slightly better, some colour had returned to his cheeks but nevertheless Lan Qiren booked an appointment first thing in the morning to the local hospital.

"Why couldn't I keep going to Wen Qing" 

"This is the top hospital in the country, not to mention its far closer, why on earth would you prefer that piddle of a hospital." Lan Qiren said in a slightly condescending tone. 

"Well, Wen Qing is a top doctor" Wei Ying argued to no avail.

'Considering your state when we found you somehow I highly doubt that.' Lan Qiren thought but didn't say as he did not particularly wish for a glare from his youngest nephew or to cause a dangerous amount of distress to his nephew's shadow? Hand holding partner? and children. 

A week has passed and Wei Ying seemed better, the jump in his step had returned. Even the hospital test results showed nothing. Regardless Lan Zhan was still on high alert. 

Wei Ying has tried to limit his use of aspirin as Lan Zhan seemed worried. It seemed to have worked for while. He really didn't want to worry Lan Zhan more than he did. Not to mention his family. He now has to call his family everyday. His Shijie would not take no for an answer.

Everything seemed fine, he was slightly worried about certain things that kept bothering him, but hey pain in his abdomen was normal, he was pregnant after all. If your feet didn't feel like falling despite lack of use were you really and truly pregnant.

Sometime after that week, Wen Qing finally visited bringing her nephew along.  






"I missed you three .... Xian gege you're so fat"

"For your information you little squirt I'm carrying three babies"

A-Yuan mouth nearly dropped to the floor. "YOU'RE FAT BECAUSE YOU ATE 3 BABIES??"

"Yes and I'm going to eat you too" Wei Ying said as he proceeded to ferociously tickle and nom A-Yuan

"AHAHAHAHAHA, stop Xian gege stoppppp Mamaaa stop"

"Xian gege, you're mean, rich gege is nicer" "He doesn't eat me"

Unbelievable all Lan Zhan had to do was give him a toy and ice-cream and just like that the little squirt was bought... he had an ominous feeling this was going to be a pattern throughout the majority of his life. Like a prophecy of what was to come.

"A-Yuan my feelings are hurt" over dramatic sniff sniff
"I'm sorry Xian gege"
"So do you prefer me?"
The boy was quietly contemplating it "Rich gege still better"
Damnit. You love them, you feed them and your change them, you threaten to eat them and then they throw you away for toys and ice cream.

Wen Qing entered the room, and slightly switched the light on, as the room was basically in pitch darkness.

"ah, Wen Qing could you lower the lights a bit, it's too bright"...

"Lower the light?"


"The light in this room?"

"Yes, is there any other room I am in?" Wei Ying asked sarcastically

Wen Qing narrowed her eyes and lowered the light.

"Hey Wei Ying how have you been?"

"Good why?"

"mhm that's good...have you been tired?"

"Well you know just the usual pregnancy exhaustion, nothing major ahah. "

"Any headaches?"

"Why what did Lan Zhan tell you? I'm fine"

"Xian gege sick?"

"No I'm not, your Aunty Qing is just being her usual self, worried about everything"

"nothing nothing, just wondering about your pee"

"Wen Qing, what with the impromptu doctor mode?"

"Can't your friend be worried about you?"

From behind a voice could be heard, "He's complained about severe headaches" 

"HEY, Lan Zhan what is this?"

"Ah yes, the reasonable one of the two, I'm booking him an appointment at my clinic for next week, and I'm not taking no for an answer"

"In the meantime here's a cup" Wen Qing pulls out a cup from literally no where.

"What am I supposed to do with this??"

"Pee in it, and fill all of it"


" That will take me a whole week"

"Did I say next week, I meant tomorrow, the appointments for tomorrow. " Wen Qing face seemed as if her suspicious were confirmed and they weren't good. 

"Wen QING I can't just"

"En, we'll come thank you"

"Lan Zhan-" Wei Ying said indignantly but the look on Lan Zhan face spoke volumes. 

The rest of the day went by slightly sombre, though with some poking from A-Yuan who finally admitted he preferred Xian gege...(until Lan Zhan gave him a new toy that is), Wei Ying cheered up and played all day... or all of 3 hours until the two of them fell asleep hugging each other, and Wen Qing, said to simply bring A-Yuan along with them tomorrow as it felt like a sin to separate the two of them when they looked so content. 

"Wangji, Wangji were are you?"

"Shh" said two maids to Lan Qiren. One of them hinted for him to come look.

Inside was a picturesque image of Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and little A-Yuan fast asleep.

"Don't they look like a little family, to think in a couple of months there will be three tiny babies between them. "

Lan Qiren looked at the three and his heart softened.


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