It's Time

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Four weeks. It had been four weeks since they had basically lived in this hospital room. For a week they had thought of returned home, but felt it was best to stay. He looked at his seemingly fragile love who was sweating in pain his arms protectively wrapped around his very round stomach in his sleep.

"Wei ying, " he called gently, trying to wake the other up.

"Ehh" Wei Ying said, opening his eyes dazedly.

"It's time"

Wei Ying's eyes shot open, "Noo" clutching at his stomach in panic.

"Wei Ying, it's safe they're going to be fine, stop suffering"

"Promise?" Wei Ying asked with tears of panic in his eyes.

"En, Promise"


Lan Zhan will never forget this day, the rush, the stream of white, the tears and the obscene amount of swears none of which were alike. It had been nearly 16 hours and finally it seemed like Wei Ying was dilated enough. He had asked if they could perform a c section but since Wei Ying was a male, Wen Qing had said that the risk would increase due to special hormones released after natural childbirth.

"Wuxian I'm going to need you to push, once those contractions really kick in okay"

"ARGHH ONCE THEY KICK IT **#*#-#:(£ *#727-£"** ?!?

"Wei Wuxian you need to PUSHHH, come on"

"Ughhh, IT FUCKING HURTS" "I'm already so tired I can't"

"Yeah, well you have three in total, I suggest you get use to it." Wen Qing said as she checked between Wei Ying's legs. (One of the few times Wei Ying was able to say he had a girl between his legs (naturally he will never say this because he wants to live and not be killed by Wen Qing))

"I'm going to need you to control your breathing"


"DON'T PUSH, this is vital do not push"


"Okay, you're starting to crown, once I say push start to push."

But childbirth is painful and Wei Wing was already ridiculously weak, so he just pushed, and pushed and pushed. Barely able to hear orders being barked at him let alone to follow them.

"Don't pushhh!" Wen Qing shouted

"Sister, He's tearing," Wen Ning stated in a professional but slightly panicked state.

"Help him, get the scissors and perform an incision now"

"arghhhhh, ahfucjsjsjsbkijmfnlndzhfhekdhbdiwilldhjskhsill" Wei Ying slurred in words that sounded surprisingly like ugh fucking hell man Lan Zhan I will kill you for this, why is your pull out game so damn weak damnit this FUCKING HURTS.

"Sister the first one is out," Wen Ning said handing the first child to a nurse to weigh and clean up.

"Wei Wuxian, only two more, come on"

'You're doing Great love' thought Lan Zhan as he had been told to shut up multiple times early on.

"My baby" Wei Ying started to mutter yearning to see his child.

"Yes yes, it's beautiful, now come on you got two more. Focus Wuxian"

The second one followed soon enough, but Wei Ying started to seemingly fade in and out of consciousness, he was spent. "I want to nap"

"NO no no no sleeping, come on one more"

"I can't, want to nap "

"YEs you can now come on, one more push, nap after"

"I can'ttt, it hurts too much" Wei Ying said with tears in his eyes

Fuck Wen Qing swore, the kid was too far along to do an emergency c section now.

"Wuxian, I need you to push or else it going to hurt a lot"

"I can't"

"Wei ying, love push" Lan Zhan said as he squished his loves hand in solidarity.

"Lan Zhan"

"for our baby"

"our baby, our baby...our baby"

and with that Wei Ying weakly pushed the last one out, but he was dazing off with a stream of "our baby, our baby"

"no , Wuxian focus focus don't go to sleep. Come on stay with us. "

"SIS he's bleeding" Wen Ning said in a panic.

'shit shit shit not now' Wen Qing thought

Lan Zhan was swiftly shooed out of the room and more doctors came in the room.


"Wangji, he's going to be fine, come you need to see the triplets, they need their dad right now" Lan Xichen said as he tried to comfort his distraught brother.

"Brother" Lan Zhan croaked 'what if...'


And so Lan Zhan was gently led to the nursery, by his brother.

In a small room, at the very edge in three small cots laid three perfect delicate little angels.

Two girls and a little boy. Wei Ying was right ..they did have a mix. The girls looked just like him, but the boy was a spitting image of his Wei Ying. They were utterly perfect. He was mystified, how had he created such perfect humans. How has his Wei Ying blessed him so much.

"Lan Zhan what are you going to name them?"

But Lan Zhan didn't hear him, he was mystified by his perfect children....our children. Dazed at their little fingers and perfect little features as the sun shined in the little corner where the three laid content. 'Hey, I'm your dad...' ' I can't believe I'm actually a father today.'

Happy Mother Day to all the mothers out there.

What should the triplets be called?

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