Ugh why is my baby brother so damn cute.

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The first three week he stayed in a dingy grey and ugly motel. Beggars can't be chooser right?

Aside from crying himself to sleep, every single time his phone lit up with Lan Zhan's name (with heartbreaking messages reminding him to eat), his life was great, yup peachy.  Slowly slowly his money was running out. It didn't help his wallet when he had to keep buying food despite inevitably throwing it up. Morning sickness they called it, 24/7 sickness seemed more accurate. But he had to try to eat, atleast for Lan Zhan's sake and the sake of their babies. 

It was weird, but when he enters the bathroom and gets acquainted with the toilet is when he misses Lan Zhan the most. He's certain that had he been around, Lan Zhan would have patted his back. It's bittersweet to think about how different life would have been like had they been older, graduated... and financially stable. He couldn't focus on that. Every time his mobile lit up with any name it ripped his heart.

Shijie's increasingly worried text messages were the worst. He wanted so badly to reply and say he was fine and well and healthy. (okay a bit of a stretch) But how could he. He couldn't just say he's fine and lie that he's on vacation. If his talks to his family he's bound to let the cat out of the bag. And this was not a cat that should leave a bag. 

He mindlessly went to pick up a convenience store sandwich he had bought earlier on, it lasted five seconds on his mouth before he threw up viciously. He didn't have enough money for a doctor's visit... according to the internet he was fine. Or dying of Cancer.... which basically equates to the same thing. Fine.

His phone lit up again, and exhausted and lightheaded from how much nutrients he lost, he put down his phone and simply slumped on the dingy bed in the even more run down room. Dreaming of him and Lan Zhan happily cuddling together in Lan Zhan's house while they watch a movie on his screen and kiss the night away and annd annddd, he blushes  face red as a tomato, papapapa. ugh He felt partly exhuasted at the thought.

Naturally there a limit to how many complaints the motel can accept regarding the sounds of vomit every damn day.. So once again Wei Ying was on the streets. With wayy wayyy wayy less money. 

Luckily he found another worse motel and a job at a nearby convenience store, three weeks in. The job was an accidental find, he had saved a little adorable 4 year old boy from running across the street and the boy's Uncle gave him a job. Which was good as he was just running out of money. And coincidentally in that convenience store said nice uncle, also happened to need an roommate. At least that's what he was told by him and his sister, after he fainted during a shift and ended up waking up in a hospital bed with a very veryyy pissed off doctor. Who was not humouring any of his jokes.  

"We need your id, to contact your family"

"No, you can't"

"NO??, you fainted during a shift and you're working and carrying heavy boxes whilst pregnant. Too heavy for your condition anyway"


"you're two months pregnant and heavily dehydrated and undernourished, have you even been eating?"

"Yes" The doctor glared at him, "....When I can put food down"

"Why didn't you see a doctor if you had terrible morning sickness?" She asked.

"I ran out of money and needed a place to sleep."

Her face slightly softened, "Did your family kick you out because they found out you're pregnant?"

Wei Wuxian looked down on to the white hospital sheets, he was avoiding her gaze. What interesting sheets he half thought, nothing more interesting than sheets these days "...Not exactly" 

" You haven't even told them have you" Wen Qing continued to ask.

These sheets, these interesting interesting sheets, what wonderful whiteness. 


"You know they're probably worried sick right? You're what, how old 16? and you're a pregnant male that already means you're an at risk pregnancy. You'd be surprised at how some family react sometimes.."

"i'm 19..and I can't... i can't ruin my boyfriend's life and my adopted family.. It's my problem anyway"

Wen Qing sighed and rolled her eyes. Oh no, another headache, first her nephew nearly running into the road, then brother frantically panicking because his nice colleague fainted and now this new headache. " Funny, not only are you capable of pregnancy but now you're also capable of asexual reproduction. I should call the science  facilities, young male able to magically get pregnant single handedly."

Wei Wuxian face turned red.

"It takes two to tango, so if your boyfriend's life is ruined, he ruined it just as much as you did it"

Naturally Wen Qing was right, this fact however did not stop the stream of tears leaving Wei Wuxian's tear ducts. "it's my sniff sniff sniff fault cause if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have dated anyone and would have a scholarship and sniff sniff no worries sniff sniff"

Wen Qing sighed, what had she done in a past life to deal with this "There there," she said as she patted his back "don't be an idiot come on stop crying...sigh I'm not calling your contacts, I think you should but I won't. Stop crying you're going to make my brother worry."

In her defense Wen Qing has never said she had great bedside manners, but eventually Wei Wuxian stop crying and sniffling and unsurprisingly went straight to sleep. 

Wen Ning, had come to visit straight after his shift, finding his colleague fast asleep looking almost like a little doll. 

"Jiejie... Can we let him stay with us, he's been staying at motels all this time and I'm worried for him"

Wen Qing looked at her baby brother, the boy who she has cared for since his birth... the little shit was using his puppy eyes unintentionally... Fuck she was weak to those puppy eyes. 

"What about A-Yuan and grandma?"

"I'm sure he'll get along with A-Yuan, Jiejie, he's pregnant I'm sure he's gets along with children. Plus he saved his life so A-Yuan been enthralled since." Wen Ning reasoned. 

"More like he is a child...ugh fine, but it up to you to deal with any issue that show up. Especially regarding random family or a baby daddy"

Wen Ning smiled, he was glad since he was worried for a while now, with how pale Wei Wuxian had seemed these days. 


Two days later Wei Ying was released, with orders such as rest, drink this and to swallow those. Plus a hit to the head after he made a swallow joke.

"Hey Wen Ning, are you sure?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I be..."

"well I'm not exactly going to be easy with deal in a couple of months...or now for the matter"

"Considering there's already a toddler and my sister at the apartment I think.. we'll be fine. Beside, I can't, in good conscious, let you stay in a motel"

Wei Wuxian started to tear up " aww you're so sweeet, you're so much cuter than the younger brother I have at home. "

"Mister Wuxian eheh" Wen Ning slowly hugged him back. He felt bad for his colleague, the poor man looked worse every day.  (Especially after the hospital visit with his sister, but Wen Ning certainly didn't think that his sister's personality was at fault...nope not at all.) At least this way he'd be out of a motel.


A-Xian, please just tell me you're okay, if you don't want me to tell the family then simply add an * and I won't. I really won't. I'm just worried about you. Love your Shijie.

I'm alright Shijie. I'm sorry for worrying you. I promise you I didn't mean to worry you. *

After that he received his last message from Jiang Cheng, it said.

If anything happens don't hesitate to message dumbass. Whatever it is we're still family.

Wei Ying cried himself to sleep that night.

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