I'll kill him, I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do.

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Hubby <3 <3 i'm Sorry. Please forget me.

Four months. Four damn months since he got that text message.
FORGET HIM. how could he. Even if he lived to be a 1000, Lan Zhan could never forget him. Even if for some insane reason Wei Ying died and disappeared for 13 years Lan Zhan would never forget. 

"Any news?" Lan Xichen asked for the 121th time since his brother's human backpack left. His heart was breaking looking at his brother, who probably hadn't had a good night sleep since Wei Wuxian had left. He felt conflicted, on one hand he wanted to kill the boy for what he put his baby brother through, on the other hand, he too was worried about him after 2 years of being called brother by the boy. To say that his brother was living since Wei Ying's disappearance was an exaggeration. His brother ate only when told to, the only reason his grades didn't suffer was because his brother thought that Wei Ying would be upset if his grades slipped. (Wei Ying has been ecstatic when Lan Zhan had gotten the scholarship and had gone around the whole school bragging about his smart genius, beautiful strong boyfriend until even the headmaster knew... all too well. He was always so happy to see his boyfriend do well. Honestly Wei Ying would make a parade for anything Lan Zhan did. Once Lan Zhan boiled an egg and Wei Ying told the whole neighbourhood about how amazing his boyfriend was at cooking.)  

Lan Zhan looked up, with dull eyes, "Nothing , three whole months and nothing.... Brother.  What if ..what if I never find him?  I can't ..I just can't deal with the possibility... he's just everything. I can't live without him " There are times when Lan Zhan swears he seems him on a train, when it almost seems like he'll enter his house and hear his laughter and see his smile... his very own light . 

Xichen wanted to wrap his brother in a hug and tell him that he had found Wei Wuxian so bad. He had seen first hand how the boy's random disappearing act had wrecked his brother and the Jiang family.

"We'll find him Lan Zhan. We will, he hasn't left the country"

Did he leave to avoid me...
Lan xi Chen read his brother's thoughts. "Considering this is the boy who also stayed outside our door camping for three weeks when uncle banned you from seeing him...I think something else might have happened"

Lan Zhan looked into his brother's eyes.. what if he's unwell what if something happened to him

"We'll find him a-Zhan, even Uncle put out word. Come on, let's eat "

As the two brothers were making their way to the dining room, Lan Qiren was sitting at the table. I'll kill him, when I'll get my hands on that miscreant I'll kill him. How dare he, how dare he do this to my nephew. How dare he avoid all those calls and how dare he makes me worry, that caitiff. That little ugh. Three whole months. Two full years of having him basically glued to Lan Wangji. Two year of catching the dumbass looking at his nephew like he was his whole world. He really had him fooled with the amount of times he found him just staring with a dumb smile on his face looking at his Wangji, probably thinking of  doing... Stuff.

Lan Qiren's face darkened at the thought of his nephew having sex..nope HASN'T HAPPENED, there is no way. Especially not with that that argh.
Anyway two full years of his constant blabber and suddenly dead silence for three months.  When he's done with that rapscallion, he'd wish he never pulled this stunt... pft making him worry this much. 

His phone beeped: Sir, we found him. He's staying here : 40.3399° N, 127.5101° E


"Wangji, Xichen"

"Yes Uncle?"

"Call the Jiangs, that idiot of yours has finally been found. "

Lan Zhan "Where?"

"Not that far apparently it's only a train ride away, let's go"

Wei Ying I'm coming. Lan Zhan thought as he messaged Jiang Cheng.

LZ my uncle found him

JC Where I have legs to break for how much he caused my sister to cry.

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