A-Yuan Extra

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"Xian Gege, is it true you have a baby in your belly?"

"Yes, haha, Who told you that?"

"Aunty Qing"

"Does this mean you're going to be a mommy?" A-Yuan asked curiously.

"Yes, little man"
"Are you happy to be a mommy?"
"Sure am sweetheart" ( and absolutely terrified but the kid does not need to know that)
"Was it the same for my mommy?" Ah why was this kid so cute.
"I'm sure it was sweetheart"
(Poor kid his parents were one of the ten people that died in a fire last year in a fire that killed 10 people last year due to a fire that was hot)

"Can I see it?" A-Yuan asked whilst clearly not paying attention to /cough avoiding cough/ his pancakes which was probably Wei Ying's fault since he might have added too much spice. Yes, to pancakes.

"Ahaha, you're going to have to wait around 6 more months I'm afraid. "

A-Yuan pouted.. but then his face lit up "What about feeling it?"

"Ah, I'm afraid the little one is taking its time to start kicking"

" Sorry kiddo the baby's got stage fright"

The pout returned to A-Yuan face, when his eyes lit up as if realising something.

"Where the daddy? Can I meet the daddy? I want to see a daddy"

"The daddy?" Wei Ying asked flustured.

"Of the baby." A-Yuan continued staring with what Wei Ying swore were stars in his eyes.

"Umm" Wei ying hesitated

"Does it not have one? Like me?" A-Yuan's face visually looked sadder.

Ahhh why is he so cute and small oh my heart, Wei Ying thought

"No, it does, every baby does. You had a daddy too A-Yuan"

"Every baby?"

"Yes, little dude"

" Xian Gege, What is he like?"

"The daddy?"

"Mhmmm" A-Yuan said with a sweet smile on His irresistible cute face.

"Well..umm let see how best to describe the daddy, well he's handsome, sweet and very caring."


"Mhm, very but he doesn't talk very much. "

"If the daddy doesn't talk how does he like you, Xian gege you don't ever stop talking. "
Ah this little squirt
"Ahhh XIAN GEGE STOPPP "  little A-Yuan screamed as he was being *viciously* tickled as a way of revenge by Wei Ying.

"Uncle Ning save me," he said running behind his Uncle's legs, who has just entered the apartment.

"Umm Wei Wuxian please stop tickling A-Yuan every time. "

"Uncle, Mama um Xian gege is mean"
Wen Ning blinked to be honest he genuinely had no idea what do to with the situation...or any situation were he had to rescue his nephew from Wei Wuxian. Not to mention his nephew who had started to slightly call his friend Mama.

"Well maybe you should not insult your wise and esteem mama Xian Gege" said Wei Ying who didn't seem to mind however was determined to act younger than the toddler. No surprises there.

"But it's true, you never stop talk- ahahaha uncle Ning save meee"

Well.. atleast Wei Wuxian didn't seem to mind ...and umm oh he better go rescue his nephew.

"Mister Wei Wuxian sir if you could not ..um " oh dear


And so the afternoon went on with the two toddlers (well one over grown but) getting up to no good, then falling asleep next to each other for a tired Wen Qing to find them sleeping and her brother looking a little worse for wear.

Pray for Wen Ning he has had a lot of rescue from tickling attacks, or as Wei Ying calls them etiquette lessons.

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