A-Yuan's Friday ext. prt 2.

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Please stop crying small child. I do not know what to do.
Why did Wei Ying go to the bathroom, leaving him alone outside with a child.

Come on Lan Zhan, you going to be a dad soon. With three children.... Three. We can do this. We can manage one child.


The child stopped crying for a minutes, and then promptly burst into harder louder tears.

"I want my mommyy" he cried

Okay..well that didn't work...what to do, what to do. Why is he crying.

Ring ring ring oh ice cream...kids...love that. Don't they...surely...surely he'd like ice cream. Do kids love ice cream?

"Ice cream?"

The small child stopped crying, not because he stopped being sad but because he was confused, why was this white giant that his Xian mommy had left him with talking about ice cream when it was cold...

"Do you want ice cream"

The little boy sniffed, he looked at his feets...it's cold. But I love ice cream, so after a little while he looked up with a small smile and said "yes"

Okay Lan Zhan thought, this is good, this is progress, ice cream ice cream. Let get some from the truck. Wait. What kind...why are there so many ...what do children want.

He felt a little tug on his pants, "Can I have strawberry gege"

Okay strawberry, we have strawberry. He paid for the strawberry ice cream and gave it to the child. Who licked at it eagerly and finally gave a non hesitant smile.

"Gege, can we wait for mommy on the grass?"

Finally half way through the ice cream Wei Ying appeared.

Later that day A-Yuan returned home with 3 different toy butterflies, which his brand new rich gege daddy gave him.

Let's just say A-Yuan was sold on his new gege.

And his little subconscious mind was finally started to understand what a daddy was like.

The Lan house could hear the beginning of what they all suspected would be a very common place arguement.

"Unbelievable, Lan Zhan three toys, you're spoiling him, no wonder he all happy to see you now. "

"Sorry, Did you want an ice cream too?"


"Yes but that's beside the point"

"Now if you're excuse me I'm going to put A-Yuan to bed seeing as Monday A-Ning is coming to pick him up."

"Do not give him more sugary snacks of Wen Qing will come after my ass"

"Goodnight little dude"

"Goodnight mommy poor, goodnight daddy rich" A-Yuan muttered half asleep.

Wei Ying shook his head I can afford an ice cream too you know he thought to himself ignoring the fact that at this point an ice cream from him would really and truly be an ice cream from Lan Zhan.  Mamma Mia.

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