My eyes, Your smile

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Wen Qing looked at her sniffling baby brother as asked "Brother are you ready."

"We're probably ending Wei Wuxian's dreams sniff sniff, sister is there nothing we can do." Wen Ning said as he tried to wipe his tears.

Wen Qing shook her head, "Lan Wangji is his guardian and the father, Wuxian is at risk, so it's perfectly reasonable to want to end the pregnancy."

The bed was wheeled in.

"We'll start."

And with that all the doctors entered the room.


"Prepare the Scalpel, hand me the Marker,"


'I'm sorry we couldn't protect the newest members of your family Wei Ying, Wen Qing thought to herself.

She reach down to the sedated body and started marking the area in which the cut would be, carefully making sure that the least scaring would remain, when suddenly-


Looking like a mad man, Lan Wangji appeared by the window. "STOP"

"STOP" Wen Ning called out in what appeared to be relief.

Wen Qing went outside to where Lan Wangji was.

"What it is, you're interrupting an important surgery"

"Please..give a chance to be parents...give our children a chance to live." Lan Zhan pleaded in desperation

"You're aware of the risks right?"

Once again Wen Qing sighed (happily), they really didn't pay enough in this hospital. "Operation cancelled, wheel him back to the room."


"So what changed your mind?" asked Wei Qing once they were settled in the hospital room with Wei Ying still sleeping.

"Wei Ying" Lan Zhan replied.

"Hmp I see, we'll keep him under intense supervision, once he enters his 32- 35th week, we'll carry an emergency birth. Hopefully he'll be fine till the 35th. Since it's triplets they would have been scheduled early anyway."


Four more weeks.

Wei Ying was in pain. Constant pain. That was clear, It was clear to the Wens, it was clear to the Jiangs, it was clear to the Lans and most of all it was clear to Lan Zhan.

"Is there nothing that can be done?" Jiang Cheng asked feeling useless as he watched his brother in pain. Why was his brother so damn stubborn. Surely it wasn't worth this much pain.

"According to the doctors, everything we can do is being done," Lan Xichen answered in his brother's place. He had came instead of his uncle to hand Lan Zhan fresh clothes and make sure he ate whilst staying at Wei Ying's side.

Yanli would periodically visit and brush her brother's hair, change the wet cloth on his face and just generally care for him, whilst he whimpered in a heartbreaking manner.

"Hang in there A- Xian three more weeks and then you're done, you'll have the three beautiful babies in your hands" Hoping that it would give her brother some solace and strength.

"Shi j ie"

"Mhm I'm here, Shijie is here."


Some days were better than others, and on good days Lan Zhan felt something akin to hope.

He would hold his beloved hand and Wei Ying would talk a mile a minute about the nursery and the room and what names he wanted, he had picked three of both genders.

"Do you reckon they'll have your eyes or mine, ahh I can just see it, a kid that looks like you but has my hair, what do you hope for Lan Zhan?"



"I hope they have your smile" At that Wei Ying would blush red and turn in his direction and hide his face in his chest.

"ahhh Lan Zhan you can't say that without a warning, my hearttt"

However even the best of days tended to be followed by the worst.

Followed by tears and whimpers that would forever be scarred in Lan Zhan's mind and heart.


Finally they entered the 34th week. Only one more to go.

'Wei Ying,' Lan Zhan thought as he looked at his pale beloved sleeping with a oxygen mask on his face, 'please don't leave me. Please Live. Let's raise them together. You, me and the children, our own little family. I can't do that without you. I'm not strong enough.' 'Children please don't take your mother away from me. Please.'

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