Remember to eat, With love Lan Zhan

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Wei Ying had fallen asleep mid way through the movie.  The way he had watched it enthralled whilst blinking away his sleep was by far the cutest thing ever. How had he survived without this man before.  

It was an average saturday, Wei Ying had demanded, yes demanded they watch this new movie , which was totally new and cool and supertastic, and he had stated he wouldn't take no for an answer, not that Lan Zhan would ever dream of saying no to that smile and face. Yet the "supertastic" movie was not enough to stop him from nodding off.  He looked so cute and content fast asleep in the crook of Lan Zhan's arms. His mouth ajar, looking so cute and tempting.. agh nope nope nope.  How had he gotten so lucky, how was such a cutie his, for Wei Ying was his in every sense of the word. He couldn't wait until Wei Ying graduated highschool, he had long decided he would propose to him then. Ah they're wedding would be so cute, any wedding where Wei Ying would be his would be prefect. And then if Wei Ying wanted children they could always adopt, if he didn't they could have bunnies. As long as his love was happy that's all that matter. It seems insane that only a year ago he didn't have this light in his life. 

Wei Ying started to squirm, his eyes started to flutter.  "Hmm," Wei Ying muttered. 

"Sleep well?" Lan Zhan asked

"Yes, but if only I slept in your arms" Wei Ying yawned 

"You did" Lan Zhan replied confused.

"No Lan Wangji, I didn't, I slept in the arms of someone else because I don't love you anymore."

Suddenly the room began leaking, "Brother"

"Brother he has left you"

"Brother wake up"

Lan Zhan woke up startled. His pillow was wet ...ah he had cried again in his sleep. Wei ying...Wei Ying had been gone for nearly a month already. 

His brother was by his side of the bed over him worried. "Brother are you alright, it's soon 6 and you haven't woken up.." 


There wasn't much point waking up these days anyway. Not when his light had left him.

"Any news?"

"I'm sorry Brother but none yet.." Lan Xichen replied, his heart breaking at the sight of his brother's clear heartache. He couldn't understand, why had Wei Ying done this, when it was so obvious that he loved his brother...or seems obvious, he found it hard to believe that anyone who loved his brother could do this to him. That boy had clinged to his brother like a monkey, day in day out ...only to abandon him this way. It was just soo soo.. 

But any words against Wei Ying would fall on deaf ears. His brother blamed himself. It was clear he thought he must have done something wrong. Must have pushed him away somehow. 

"I see" Lan Zhan had expected it, but it didn't hurt any less. Where had he gone?, Why had he left him, was he okay, was he eating. Wei Ying had a tendency to forget to take care of himself even with him reminding him...What would he do without him. Please even if I never see him just let him be okay.  I just need a sign that he's okay, that's all. 

"Brother, uncle has prepared breakfast, come let's go"

"en, "

Lan Xichen left the room with a heavy heart knowing his brother would undoubtedly send another sms that would remain unanswered. 

Lan Wangji- Wei Ying,  please be okay. Just please be okay. Remember to eat. I love you. 

He hoped it wouldn't possibly anger or upset Wei Ying as he pressed send.

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