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"For the millionth time, you need to rest"

"I DO"

"More idiot, you're constantly on your feet working, you need to rest, I know you're up at 2 am moping and crying about your boyfriend, everyone can hear you. I for one would love to sleep without having to hear his name every night. "

"I'm not moping.." Wei Ying said as he pouted.
" Just call him, you miss him it's plain to see, besides he's the dad ain't he. "
" I can't....I can't do that to him" He folded his arms.
"Well what about what this is doing to you? And your kids at any rate. Did you even explain anything before you left? Did you, or did you just leave worrying your family?" Wen Qing asked with her arms also folded because two can play at that game.

"Wen Qing, is this checkup lecture over?" Wei Wuxian asked exasperated.

Wen Qing rolled her eyes and sighed as she filled in the last of the paperwork.
"I'm saying this for you, and don't pick up A-Yuan, I know you love him and he adores you, and is 5 seconds away for calling you mom permanently, but you should not be lifting weights right now. Your blood pressure is already too high, if you strain yourself you will end up in the hospital. Again. And I am not a miracle worker so don't bother saying something stupid and flattering me that only works with my brother."

"Jiejie...should you be so harsh to-"
"A-Ning do you want to have to carry him to the hospital? No? then let me lecture"

"Sorry" Wen Ning apologized because that's just who he is.

"Thank you Wen Qing.. I appreciate it, I really do." Wei Ying chuckled even though he actually meant it. He was ridiculously indebted to the Wens.

"You better, seeing as you've practically been adopted into this family, I need to make sure we don't lose any more members, potential or otherwise. "

Wen Qing picked up her keys, and started putting on her coat.

"Now I need to go the hospital, REST"
Wen Qing said as she got up to leave the apartment. "Brother, A- Yuan will be over later, do not let him pick him up even if he cries okay? "

And with that she left.

Ring ring.

"Did she leave something behind?"
Wei Ying went to open the door, and nearly fell backwards in shock when he saw who it was.



But before he could say anything he was squeezed into a tight tight hug.

Wei Ying wanted to melt into those arms immediately. Ah he had missed that calming sandalwood smell so much.  The embrace he's been yearning for for months...but this was too tight...his belly..

"Ah aha Lan Zhan it probably best if you don't squeeze me" better for my heart too.. oh god he looks even more handsome then in the photos on his phone, which he might not have been staring at religious every night whilst definitely not crying, no sir.. not him that was totally umm A-Yuan... Why does Lan Zhan seem so skinny, has he not been eating well??, he looks paler than normal, why how...
"Why does it seem like you have eye bags, have you not been sleeping?" Wei Ying worriedly asked, he couldn't help it, he was automatically worried for his Lan Zhan.

However this seemed to stop Lan Zhan in his tracks "How could I? " He asked almost angrily

Wei Ying was taken aback, he remember why he left and said "...how did you find me...Lan Zhan I told you to forget me.. you you -"


Lan Zhan's outburst shocked Wei Ying. Never had he seen him get mad at him, he didn't want him to be mad, and without thinking tears started to fall. Much to Lan Zhan's suprise and panic.

Meanwhile Wen Ning had hurried out after hearing the disturbance "WEI YING IS EVERYTHING, ALRIGHT DID SOMETHING HAPPEN, YOU DIDN'T FAINT AGAIN DID YOU??"

But upon entering the living room he realised exactly what that disturbance was....
"OH..you must be .......you must be Lan umm zh ..an I'm sorry I don't know your courtesy name, Wei Wuxian has said a lot about you umm"

Lan Zhan glared at him , what was Wei Ying doing living with another man?!

"Um...I'll be in the other room if you need me...Wei Ying... just...umm... calll....okay bye" and with that Wen Ning run into the other room.

"Did you leave me for him?" Lan Zhan asked briskly

"What ?? no, why would I ? how could I, there no why on earth that I could possibly even look at someone else, would even want to glance at someone else. sniff No one would look at a picture of the sun when they've seen the real thing. There's no one in the world that I possibly could ever even-"

"If that's the case then why, pray tell, did you leave my nephew?" Lan Qiren appeared from behind.

"Unc..teacher Lan".. Wei Wuxian's face seemed to instantly pale at the scent of Lan Zhan's uncle.
"brot..Lan Xichen.. Hello" Wei Wuxian bowed.

"Wei Wuxian, would you like to explain why you just upped and left, the Jiangs have worried sick and my brother has been beside himself, worried sick every day since you left" Lan Xichen calmly asked even though he was quite angry, however he was more so confused. Not to mention it seemed to him that Wei Wuxian appeared to be rather pale compared to his usual self.

Wei Ying started to play with his clothes and look down, while the other hand seemed to dwell on his stomach...his oddly rounded stomach?? Was it just Lan Xichen or was his stomach slightly protruding outwards...(well atleast Lan Zhan will be glad to know Wei Ying didn't starve these four months.)
"Um...I apologize for any emotional hurt I've caused. I didn't want to but but... I I...I" Eyes still cast to the floor.

"You what , what possible excuse could you have that would exempt you from what you've done to my nephew" Lan Qiren all but roared.

Wei Wuxian seemed to edge even more inwards.

"Uncle, it might be best to stop" Lan Xichen said sensing something was off.

"WILL you ever stop standing up for him, he up and left with no good excuse and made all of us worry, the Jiangs have been beside themselves meanwhile he's apparently been gallivanting on the opinion that one can just forget he exists as if that could evER Possibly-"

Rapt in his rant Lan Qiren didn't realise that Wei Ying was becoming paler and paler and swaying lightheaded. He didn't notice Wei Wuxian starting to answer the natural lull of gravity as he descended. Ie he fainted. Wei Wuxian fainted.

Lan Zhan darted to grab him.

"Lan Zhan what's wrong with him?"

Wen Ning hearing the noise rushed out in a worry.

"Oh..OH NO oh no.. Jiejie going to kill me... WE NEED TO GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL "

"Hospital?? for fainting? Isn't that a bit of a stretch" Lan Qiren asked in disbelief.

"YES NOW" "Hurry it's not good for him " Wen Ning seemed frantic but not as frantic as Lan Zhan felt as he lifted the unconscious and heavier than he remembered Wei Ying into a bridal carry.

Wen Ning, immediately picked up his phone "Jiejie, Wei Ying just fainted... yes again, yes I'll bring him now, I'm coming with the Lans...Yes those Lans"

"Commmeee on"

Lan Qiren seem incredulous yet regardless of the situation he still told the driver to take them to the hospital and step on it. Meanwhile Lan Xichen messaged the Jiangs the situation.

Wen Qing is not amused.Where stories live. Discover now