Well this is not the meal that I for one expected

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"Uncle are you awake."

"Ah Xichen, I just had the strangest dream, your baby brother was dating this thiss caitiff, and he seduced your brother. Anyway this boy entered our lives and ate us out of house and home and then, oh Xichen it was so terrible than Wangji told me this boy was about to have his triplets."

Lan Xichen looked at his uncle and took a deep breathe knowing what he was about to utter would not be easy to hear.

"Uncle that wasn't a dream."


"Oh not again."

Needless to say when someone told Wei Ying, he laughed so much he got a stitch.

Legend say Wei Ying is still laughing till this day.

A servant appeared in front of Wangji. She seemed to have ran to fetch him.

" Young master Lan, young mister Wuxian has told me to fetch you, he advised you to hurry."

"Is something wrong ??" Lan Zhan asked his heart beating frantically in his chest.

"I am not aware sir, he just said to hurry"

Lan Zhan shot from the room he was in, worried about why Wei Ying would call him and tell him to hurry.

So it was quite a welcomed shock when he entered the room and Wei Ying was on the bed smiling blissfully while touching his tummy, "LAn ZHAN COME FEEL THEY're FINALYyy kicking" he said with what a smile so blinding it could have been in a tooth paste commercial. "I was worried because it's been a few weeks where they could have kicked but they weren't, but apperently it can take some time to kick. Atleast that what Wen Qing would tell me every time I'd worry. Ah Lan Zhan I can tell they take after your family they have some strong little kicks."

Lan Zhan walked toward him and slowly slowly placed his hand on Wei Ying's stomach.. At first he felt nothing... "ahaha don't pout wait a while, there is three of them one of them bound to ohh-"

Wow, this felt surreal..these were his and Wei Ying's babies "ah Lan Zhan don't cryy, or I'll start and I've cried more in the last 4 months then I have my whole life. "

"Not crying"

"Wow, he became a dad and learns how to lie, ah Lan Zhan you're so cute when your ears turn red"

With that Lan Zhan bent down and kissed his beloved stomach. A sight which Wei Ying watched with stars in his eyes.

Kiddos, he thought to his babies, that's your daddy, he's a wonderful man who's caring and kind and sweet, aren't you three so lucky. Normally I'd never share him with anyone because my heart couldn't take the thought but for you guys I'd make an exception. Ah I can't wait to meet you.

If Lan Zhan is crying at kicks...wait till he hears his first heartbeat Wei Ying thought. Feeling donwcast at the thought. "Lan Zhan"
"Mhm". Lan Zhan looked up from his beloved stomach.
"I'm sorry that because of me you missed the first heartbeat"
"I'll catch the second, and the rest of their lives"
Sniff sniff, your daddy is just so great kids how did I get so lucky.


"Ah, yes this is so good"


"Oh man I've been dreaming of this for months now, seriously the craving has been real."

Lan Xichen blinked, he couldn't quite believe his own ears. "You've been dreaming of THAT for months?"

"You have no idea oh man it is JUST so so GOOODD"

Even Lan Zhan seemed shocked by his boyfriend's reaction.
"Wei Ying are you feeling quite okay?"
"Yes why?"
"You've never...liked.."
"The family congee Wei Wuxian. Normally you avoid it like a plague, the first time we offered it you asked why we gave you medicine when you were perfectly healthy....it's quite surprising to see you enjoy it so happily. "

Wen Qing is not amused.Where stories live. Discover now