Four weddings and a funeral.,

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It was hard dressing three babies for a funeral. It's hard to get out of bed when you're so exhausted. The bright light seemed to mock him as he got up at his usually 5 am. Today it seemed especially cruel.

It was so hard to gather around and burn some incense. The grey sky was almost like a prelude to what was to come.

'Wei Ying', he thought as a tear slid down his face. 'oh Wei Ying why'

'Why must we hold a funeral for a bunny. My crazy love why must you be so extra. Surely a simple burial would have sufficed.'

'The children been crying all night, I know that this bunny is important to you and me but is this not a bit over the top.' Naturally he didn't say this, if his Wei Ying wanted it, then Lan Zhan would do anything in his power to grant it. And yes that included a bunny funeral and said bunnies' children's wedding. ( yes plural, they had two damn rabbit weddings. The rabbits were even dressed up in red.)

"Ah she was so young, right after her children's wedding. " Wei Ying was crying. Despite having giving birth three months ago, his hormones still seemed to have yet to fully settle.

"There, there Wei Wuxian," said Lan Xichen forever a model example of patience. Something which he has exercises countless times during these past few months.

Lan Qiren had excused himself on the pre-tense that he could not bear the grief. Jiang Cheng tried to do the same but was dragged by his older sister who had helped cater the funeral.

Speaking of children, their own were getting fussy. Which is not surprising considering it's was soon time for their milk.

Lan Zhan felt very blessed to see his dramatic husband cuddle his son to his chest in an attempt to mollify him. It was not that long ago that it seemed that instead of holding a funeral for a bunny they would have had to hold a funeral for him.

Wei Ying had nearly bled to death after the birth. He was already weak from the pregnancy, and long labour.  It really was thanks to Wen Qing and Wen Ning, who has worked tirelessly for hours, that his husband had survived.

Once he had gotten better, when he could move without support, around the time the triplets were around two months old, he has finally gone down on a knee and asked him to be his forever. Wei Ying had said yes before he even finished the question. He had jumped on him and went yes yes yes yes. They promptly had a large wedding surrounded by friends and family.

It was a day that Lan Zhan had passionately committed every single detail to memory. The way his Wei Ying looked in his red outfit, glowing from head to toe. The way his had stood waiting for Wei Ying to walk up the aisle looking absolutely radiant.  The loving and soft way he had gone "I do", whilst most importantly looking at Lan Zhan with eyes filled with love. Not to mention the smile that encompassed his face as Lan Zhan had said I love you right after. His ears could have matched the red suit Wei Ying was wearing.

The triplets who had been taken care by family members and were surprisingly well behaved. Since Lan Zhan's family was high up in the ranks, the wedding was followed by some of the media. Who were all wondering what random seductress had nabbed the second most eligible rich handsome bachelor in all of china. Well now all of china knows he's gay. Not that he cared. Only one person mattered to him now (okay 5 people)

What he didn't expect was for his brother to meet Wei Ying's long time maid and get subsequently married to her son. He didn't expect his brother to hit it off with Meng Yao so quickly but hit it off they did.

Followed shortly by Jiang Yanli's wedding to Jin Zixuan. Honestly he was grateful they had three kids keeping them busy because Wei Ying was seriously ready to throw down for his sister.

When the triplets were three months they took a big but more than necessary step and they adopted A-Yuan. They debated for a while but since his grandma had just passed away and both Wen siblings were too busy to raise him, it seems only right. Plus he and Wei Ying had long considered A-Yuan as a son. Four kids at 21 wasn't entirely his plan but the way that boy's eyes lit up as he was told he could officially called him Dad made any struggle worth it.

As Lan Zhan fell asleep with his husband in his arms and his kids in their beds he felt content. All was well. It was better than well. He had his family and his husband.


Lan Zhan might rethinks this sentiment some time in the future when his children, give Wei Ying and him a run for their money. Why must their Princesses be exactly like his husband stuck in class. Always looking for trouble, and always up to no good.

It's a good thing they have an wonderful extended family to help... Uncle?? Uncle oh no he's fainted again. OH MY GOD IS THAT BLOOD ?? Uncle no!

Oh no he's just fell asleep playing dress up and makeup with the girls oh good. Honestly they take after Wei Ying a little bit too much in that expect.


OH never mind it's just our Lan Yuan's chemistry set phew only chemicals. .... SHIT

Brother help...oh..he fall asleep reading stories for our other son...oh dear.

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