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Friday  6:45 AM

"Ugh Okay it's Friday...oooff lets just have a good day!" I complained to myself as I just woke up from my alarm

I unplugged my phone and checked social media and my messages. As I was scrolling on Instagram I got RUDDILY interrupted.

FaceTime call with Alicia"Goood morning bitchh!" Screamed Alicia from the other side of the phone

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FaceTime call with Alicia
"Goood morning bitchh!" Screamed Alicia from the other side of the phone

"Girl why is you so loud I just woke up." I complained

"Get ur ass up and get ready for school I have a surprise!" Alicia said

"Ohhh no, you know i hate surprises And remember this weekend it all about me and my dad ." I said as I laughed

"oh shoot yea I forgot! Ughh okay we'll figure it out!I'll be over in 20min get ready!" Alicia said as she hung up before I could reply

End of FaceTime call

I got up and hopped in the shower while listening to my music. I got out wrapped a towel around my body and headed to my closet to pick out an outfit. I finally found a outfit and laid it on my bed. I then sat at my vanity and began to do my hair and makeup.

"Knock knock! I made you breakfast sweetie! Is it safe for me to come in?" Asked my dad

"Yeah dad!" I said as I laughed as I seen him walk in with a tray full of fruit and pancakes

"Here you go beautiful!" My dad said as he put the tray on my vanity and kissed my forehead.

"Wow dad! Thank you! But, why did you do this? You never make me breakfast?" I asked curiously as I popped a grape in my mouth.

"Well honey, I know this is really last minute but I got a call for work and I need to fly out to Seattle for the weekend. I know we are supposed to have a fun weekend since I'm always gone but I have to go tonight." My dad explain

I felt betrayed and sad but he couldn't do anything about it. After my mom past away my dad had to work a lot more so we could keep a roof over our heads and have food on the table and I'm so thankful I have him but he works so much and I barley spend time with him and this was the weekend we were supposed to hang out but I didn't want to upset him more

" it's okay. I mean I really wish you didn't but you gotta do what you gotta do." I said as I looked down

"Honey I promise when I get back we can go do whatever you want okay." He said as he got on his knee and pushed my hair back.

"Okay...I love you dad." I replied.

"I love you too Taylor...Now eat ALL your breakfast and get to school okay. My flight leaves at 1:30 so I'll be gone when you get home. I love you and be safe!" My dad said as he left my room

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