Just friends 😞

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I got to school and started to walk towards my locker. This morning as I was getting ready I didn't get one text from Nick. I thought it was really weird but I just assumed I could talk to him at school

I walked up to my locker and began to do my combination and as I opened my locker, I heard giggling and flirting

I looked to my left and seen Nick with 3 other cheerleaders all surrounding him and twirling their hair

I felt so mad and so heated at this point and all I wanted to do was slap all those cheerleaders across their face

I had the most bitchiest face and I aggressively grabbed my books and slammed my locker closed and it was so loud that everyone in the hall looked at me. As I slammed my locker I walked towards nick and the girls and they all looked at me and I stuck my middle finger up at Nick and turned to my right and walked straight down the hall, so that nick and the girls could see me storm off.

* 4 hours later*

In all my first couple of periods I was so distracted and pissed at Nick. I really thought he was different. I couldn't stop flickering my pencils and bouncing my leg because how pissed I was.

It was now lunch and I really didn't want to go because if I seen Nick I would lose control and just go crazy and I couldn't do that since know one knew about us or what ever the fuck we are or were, but I had no choice because Alicia was definitely going to be where Zion was and he would obviously be with nick at our lunch table

I walked outside and seen ,from a distance, everyone sitting at the table and chatting. I took a deep breath and unclenched my fist and walked towards the table

"Hey babe." Alicia said as I walked straight towards her and didn't even make eye contact with anyone else

I just grabbed her arm and pulled her off of zions lap

"Woah woah? What's wrong?" She said as I dragged her away from everyone.

"I just i want to leave like now." I said as I felt the blood in my body boil.

"Okay okay let me go grab my stuff I'll meet you in the car." She said worried as she ran back to her table and whispered Zions something and grabbed her stuff and walked back to me

We walked in silence all the way to my car. I got in the drivers seat as Alicia got in the passenger seat and I quickly drove off. As I just drove for a couple of minutes, we just sat there in silence.

Taylor babe you gotta tell me what's wrong." She said looking at me.


"Wtf! Are you serious! Ooof when I see that man I swear!" she said making her hands curl up

"I don't understand, I thought everything was going so good." I Said feeling my eyes tear up

"There has to be a reason Taylor." Alicia said turning towards me

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" I Said really stressed out

" I know you don't want to hear this but you just have to talk to him. Maybe there's an explanation or you misunderstood something?" Alicia said giving me advice I didn't want to hear but knew it was true.

I looked at her annoyed and rolled my eyes because I was just so heated. Lunch was about to end so we had to get back to school. I drove back and Alicia went to her class and I went to the library to work on my online class I was taking.

After about 1 hour, I finished my online class a bit early so I left the library and started to head to my car since that was my last class.

I walked through the halls and as I turned a corner I saw Nick. I froze as we made eye contact and I quickly turned around and started to walk fast.

"Taylor please talk to me!" He yelled as I heard him run after me

I just kept walking. I didn't want to talk to him not now...not ever.

"Taylor! Let me explain!" He said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him

"let you explain...LET YOU EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH FUCKING CHEERLEADERS!!" Please please explain!" I Said so pissed and so mad that I felt like my head was going to expload.

"BECAUSE YOU DID THE SAME THING TO ME!" He said as I seen his Vains pop out. He looked so mad.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I DID NOTHING TO YOU!" I said confused and frustrated .

"Don't play dumb with me Taylor!" He said pissed

I looked at him confused.

"YOU WERE WITH BRANDON ALL DAY! YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL ME! AND I CALLED YOU AND YOU STILL DIDNT TELL ME! YOU DIDN'T WANT TO SEE A MOVIE WITH ME BECAUSE YOU ALREADY WERE, WITH BRANDON! IN YOUR FUCKING BED!" He said as his whole body teasned up and I actually got a little scared because how mad he was, but I was just as pisssed

"Nick! We were working on a SCHOOL PROJECT!" I said slapping my hands together between each word.

"That's not how it looked like on Snapchat, you lay in your bed with all your guy friends?" He said being a smart ass

"I can't believe you are mad about that! We are just friends! And you think to get back at me you flirt with other girls!" I said pointing in his face


"I thi-I think it's best if we are just friends." I Said as tears came down my face.

"Wait No. Taylor please." He said grabbing me before I walked away

"No! This is obviously not working out!" I Said crying

"Taylor please don't do th-" He said but I cut him off

"friends." I said as I yanked my arm from him and walked away crying.

As I turned the corner I seen Nick slam his fist into the lockers and storm off. All I felt inside was pain. It was crazy how attached we got to one another. But I think friends are the best thing for us right now.

I got into my car and just cried and cried. I eventually drove home and ran up to my room and plugged in my headphones and listen to music and laid in my bed and drifted to sleep

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