No Boys 👏🏻

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I've been laying in my bed for the past 2 days. I didn't want to leave my house. I wanted to cry , eat ice cream and watch sappy romantic movies.

I tried to think of what I wanted. I want nick but Brandon, he's just so grate. I couldn't have either because they both were upset with me. I know I'm not supposed to be thinking about boys right now but that's all I could think about.

I really just wanted my dad and tell him everything.

Sunday, 8:00pm
"Taylor! I'm home!" I heard my dad yell

I jumped up from my bed and quickly ran down the stairs and jumped into his arms.

"Wow you missed me that much?" My dad said laughing

I then looked up at him and just started balling my eyes out.

"Oh no Taylor. Sweetie what's wrong?" My dad said dropping his suit case and walking me over to the couch

"I just-I just needed you." I cried

"Honey, I'm here okay I'm here." He said hugging me

The rest of the night my dad and I watched funny movies and eat junk food. I really needed this and it was so nice having my dad hold me like I was his little girl again.


" I don't want to go." I Said as Alicia got in my car

"Yea I'm still hung over and it's been 2 days." Alicia said. We both had big sunglasses on covering our eyes from my crying and from Alicia's hang over

We drove to school in silence because Alicia was still hung over and I was heartbroken and confused.

We pulled in the parking lot and got out the car.
As Alicia and I started walking like zombies to the entrance, Austin, Edwin, Natalee, Harper, laney, Zion, Brandon and Nick all joined us and everyone was wearing sunglasses to cover our swollen eyes

I then slowly turned my head to look at Nick and he slowly looked at me but I turned my head back. I then looked the other way at Brandon and he looked at me but I bit my lip and looked the other way

We all then got in the school and started walking out separate ways as I went to my locker, Nick came right up to me

"Can we talk?" He asked

"Um yeah." I said as I opened my locker

"Since you have feelings and stuff for brandon I-" nick tried to explain but I cut him off

"Nick." I Said but he didn't stop talking

"I understand and it's okay because I found someone-" nick ranted but I didn't hear him all the way

"NICK!" I yelled and he stopped talking and looked at me

"I don't want Brandon, I want you and only-" I Said but stopped talking because I realized what he said

"Wait-wait what?"" I Said confused

"After the party Becca and I had talked and we got to know each other and-" nick explained but I couldn't listen anymore

"You and bec-Becca." I said as I felt my eyes began to water

"Yea..Taylor listen-" Nick said

I slowly closed my locker and stared at my books in my hand and said,

"I'm r-really happy for you." I Said as I quickly walked away as I felt the tears drift down my cheeks

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