After party 🎉

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I pulled away from the kiss.

" just because we made up, doesn't mean we are together again okay. I still need a little more time to think about some stuff." I Said putting my hands lightly on his chest.

"Is it because you might have feelings for Brandon?" Nick Said very calm but I could see he was holding in his anger

"Nick I-" I tried to explain but he cut me off

"Taylor if you have feelings for Brandon, then don't bother trying to fix things with me." Nick said letting go of my hands and walking back in side

I just stood there with my empty hands. I didn't know what I felt for Brandon. I love nick but Theres something there for Brandon.

I walked back in the house and seen everyone having a good time still. I went to go find Alicia. I pushed through everyone. I then seen Alicia and Zion dancing and having a good time, so I didn't want to ruin that for her.

I got another drink and tried to find the upstairs. I found the stair case and walked up them. As I took another sip of my drink , I felt my stomach turn.

"Oh no." I said to myself as I covered my mouth and ran to every door to find the bathroom. I then opened a random door and finally found the bathroom and I swung the door opened and ran to the toilet as I puked up everything and fell on the floor.

"I think you had a little to much." I heard someone say as they were standing in the door way

"Really. I couldn't tell." I Said still with my head in the toilet and giving the person sass

I then looked up and seen it was Brandon with a cup of water in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you." I said wiping my mouth and sitting up against the wall

"Here, I brought you some water." Brandon said walking in and kneeling down to me

"Thank you." I said wiping my nose and taking the water

You could tell I was so fucked up because my eyes were all red and puffy from crying and my nose was stuffy

"So what happened?" Brandon asked as he helped me up and grabbed a towel

"That girl. Who ever she is was just so annoying." I said wiping my mouth with the towel.

"Taylor, I know you. You wouldn't beat up someone because they are annoying...was it because she kissed nick." He said looking at me with sorrow in his eyes

My eyes shot opened and I distracted myself by looking through all the drawers to find an extra tooth brush.

"No um? Why would I care if she kissed nick?" I said trying to play it off, while slamming and opening the drawers

Brandon was just watching me struggle to find a toothbrush.

"I'll let you finish up." Brandon Said knowing I was lying and walked off

As he walked away I exhaled and looked at myself in the mirror and seen how ruff I looked

"Why. Why me." I said to myself as I pulled my hair to the side and started to brush my teeth

I got cleaned up and walked out the bathroom and walked downstairs and seen everyone still having a good time. I passed everyone dancing and drinking.

I then walked out to the back and no one was really out here. I walked by the pool and seen Becca sitting on a chair with a ice pack on her face

I seen how badly I hit her and I felt really really bad. I walked towards her and sat right next to her.

" hey Becca, I'm really really sorry." I Said shaking my leg

"It's all good, I understand." She replied back replacing her ice bag on her face

I looked at her confused because how easy she forgave me

"Nick told me about you and I seen how hurt he was. So I was going to help cheer him up and stuff but then it obviously just got out of hand." Becca explained

"Wow your not like other girls aren't you." I Said as we both laughed

"But hey listen, I don't know everything but nick seems like a really nice guy and by the way he looks at you, girl I would not let that go." Becca said

I nodded at her and realized what she was saying was true

"Okay I think it's time for me to go home." She said getting up

"Again. I'm really sorry." I Said standing up with her

"Just. Give him time." She said walking away

I watched her walk away and I sat back down, continuing to drink my water.

"Hey sexy." Alicia said coming towards me

"Hey bitch." I said very low but smiled a bit

"Did you talk to him?" She said sitting next to me as we both look at everything going on inside

"Yea but he knows I have something with Brandon." I Said looking at my water

"That's tuff. Maybe you should just not think about boys right now. Maybe you need to figure out what your going to do after school and all that." Alicia said rubbing my back

"Lets go home, I had a ruff night." I said

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