The Rules🎲📝

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I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with nick and all I did in my classes today was day dream about him.

After the last bell rung I went home and took a nap before going over to Alicia's. I woke up and it was 6:55PM.

"Shit! Alicia is going to be pissed if I'm not on time!" I Shouted rushing to get my shoes and stuff on. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I finally arrived at her house and seen everyone's cars already there.

I got out the car and knock on the door.

"Well well we'll look who decided to show up!" Alicia said teasing me.

"Girl at least my here okay!" I did laughing and walking in.

As I walked in everyone was sitting around Alicia dinning table and it was weird because Alicia never uses this room...ever.

the only seat left was between Zion and Edwin so I sat down.

"Okay now that everyone is here...let's go over the rules and how to play!" Alicia said kinda of scary to be honest.

"So we will have teams of 2. And don't ask! No! You will not be able to pick who. I have a jar full of our names and that's how we will decide." Alicia explained.

"Natalee. You will pick first." Alicia's said handing the jar to here.

"Yay! There's only one person I really want." Natalee Said winking at Nick.

I looked over at Nick and seen him look a different direction looking annoyed.

Natalee pulls out the first piece of paper and read out the name.

"Brandon. I got Brandon!" Natalee said hitting her lip.

"Really! Are you kidding me! I mean no offense but-" Brandon complained but got cut off my Alicia.

"HEY! don't complain!" She replied.

"Okay now Nick. Your turn to pick." Alicia said handing the jar to him next.

He slowly grabbed a piece of paper and opened it and looked down and smiled a little.

"Taylor. I got Taylor." He said trying hard to keep him smile in.

"Ugh gross." Natalee said sticking her tongue out.

I was so shocked to hear my name and I frozen and looked at him and blushed a little.

Everyone else eventually picked out the jar and got there teams.

"Okay So here are the official teams... No going Back! DEAL!" Alicia said.

"Deal" we all said at the exact same time.

"Okay, Team number 1 : Natalee and Brandon
             Team number 2: Nick and Taylor
          Team number 3: Edwin and laney
             Team number 4: Alicia and Zion
             Team number 5: Edwin and Harper
Now, you are all probably wondering how do we play? Well first things first we will be around this city for the whole night. There are clues around this whole city and you have to be fast and no time for funny business- "

" *couch *couch* Natalee *couch" Edwin Said as we all laughed

"I'm not telling anyone the prize or the point of this game just play and see what happens. And no I don't know any of the clues because I am playing as well. Now the first clue will be sent to your let the games begin!" Alicia said as she ran and grabbed Zion quickly and headed out the door.

Everyone else grabbed there partners and took off.

"Okay Taylor are you ready to beat all their asses!" Nick said pulling me up from my seat.

"Haha yeah I am, let's read the first clue!" I said as I laughed and pulled out my phone.

Clue #1
#1: Things go inside me when dirty but come out clean.

You will find me standing sturdy next to my mate.

As I read it out loud, Nick and I were thinking really hard and looking around.


"YES!" I cheered as we slapped each other's hands so hard it hurt."

"Ouch." We both screamed and we laughed and ran downstairs to the laundry room.

We got into the the room and I opened up the door to the washer machine and found an envelope.

I quickly opened up and read it out loud,
Clue #2

"#2. Grown-ups use me to take you around,

when it rains I'm sure to get drowned."

"hmmm An umbrella?" I asked Nick as he was biting his lips and being really focused. All I could do was stare as him, he was so hot when he bites his lip.

"Uhh Taylor?Taayyyllooorr?" Nick said as he was waving his hand in my face trying to get my attetnion.

"oh-so-sorry umm..." I said as he got me out of my daze from staring at him. I felt like a fool and so embarrased that I was juststaring at him.

"Um actually i think its the car!" I said getting embarassed and red and trying to change the subject.

We both ran to the car and looked inside and found a note in between the air vents. I handed it to nick and he began to read it.
Clue #3
#3. Dangling on the seat by a chain,

kicking your feet some height you will gain.

"EASY! A swing!" Shouted Nick. We both got in the car and drove to the nearest park in the city. As we were driving we saw Alicia and Zion making out behind a tree. We both laughed and rolled our eyes.

"Hm so hey, I just wanted to let you know that I saw you staring at me...earlier." Nick said as we parked and unbuckled our seat belts

When I heard those words come out his mouth I got so scared and embarrassed and now he probably thinks I'm a freak.

"I'm No NO! I DIDN'T MEAN TO GIVE YOU-" I told while getting really hot and nervous.

"NO TAYLOR LISTEN! I do the same exact thing to you when your not paying attention." Nick said as he winked at me and got out the car.

I froze in my place and blushed and quickly got out the car and ran to catch up with him.

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