Feelings 🥰

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"Do you wanna take a walk?" Nick asked making things less awkward

"Yes I would." I Said laughing as we began to walk

We walked for a couple of minutes and it was silent until nick spoke

"Taylor, I just wanted you to know that I never stopped loving you. I know I am with Becca but I just needed to forget about you and have no feelings besides friendship but ever since that game night. I can't stop thinking about you or about us. I want you and only you. Please I will do whatever to have you."
Nick said grabbing my hands

"Nick I feel the same way, but you just cheated on Becca. I know we didn't start off as friends but she is a really good person and you can't just dump her like that." I said holding his hands tightly

"I'm sure she will understand." Nick Said stepping closer to me and taking his finger and pushing my chin up to reach his level and pressed his lips gently on mine

"Okay but you have to talk to her before we can do anything more." I Said smiling at the kiss

"Promise." He said putting his hand on my cheek


I woke up in the best mood ever. I even woke up before my alarm which never happens. I got up and played some music to dance to while getting ready for school. I jumped in the shower and sung my heart out. After my shower I straightened my hair and did my makeup. I then went to my closet to pick out a cute outfit.


I then sprayed some perfume and happily grabbed my phone and bag and walked downstairs

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I then sprayed some perfume and happily grabbed my phone and bag and walked downstairs.

"Gooooddd morninggg dad!" I siad walking into the kitchen with my chin up high

"Well well well good morning to you sweetheart!" He said back as he put a plate in front of me with waffles and bacon

"Yummm! Thank you dad." I said taking a bite of my food. My dad and I talked about some stuff and I finished my breakfast. I then head out the door and off to school in my car.

I got to school and seen Alicia sitting in her car, so I pulled up right next to her.

*honks horn annoyingly*

"Good morning bitchh!" I yelled as we both rolled down our windows

"Looks like You and Nick made up." Alicia Shouted from the window

I smiled and rolled up my window while taking my keys out the ignition.

Alicia got out of her car and we started walking towards everyone in the commons

"Hey guys." I said walking as Alicia and I walked up to everyone

Everyone waved and smiled. I went and sat right next to Nick

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