Promposal 💍👑

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I woke up and called Alicia right away.

Phone call with Alicia

Alicia: "good morn—"

Me:"yeah yeah yeah good morning to you to! NEED YOU HERE RIGHT NOW ASAP!"

Alicia: "already walking out the—"

End of phone call

I hung up on Alicia before she could even finish her sentence. I quickly got up brushed my teeth, got in the shower and did my whole skincare. As I did my makeup, Alicia finally got here.

"What's the emergency!" Alicia said barging in my room

"Nicks going to ask me to prom today!" I Said jumping up and down

"How do you know!" Alicia said joining me

"He said it was a big day today!" I yelled

"OMG!!!" Alicia cheered

"I need to look cute and I need to find an outfit! What if he does it during school in front of EVERYONE. Then people will know we are together." I Said panicking back and forth

"Okay okay you finish your makeup and I'll find you a cute outfit!" Alicia said panicking with me as well

I rushed over to my vanity and started to finish my makeup while Alicia went in my closet and started going through all my clothes.

I finally finished my make up and put my hoops in.

"Here! This is so cute!" Alicia said putting the clothes on my bed.

"Omg So cute!" I Said grabbing them


"How do you think he's going to ask you?" Alicia said as we were 5 mins away from school

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"How do you think he's going to ask you?" Alicia said as we were 5 mins away from school

"I don't know but I'm really nervous because if he does it in front of everyone at school then we aren't going to me a secret anymore." I Said bouncing my leg

We finally got to school and I saw nick and the boys all standing around. Alicia and I got out and started walking towards them.

"Hey baby." Alicia said giving Zion a hug

"Hey guys." I said waving at everyone and looking at nick trying to not to smile to hard at him

"Damn girl who you tryna impress!" Edwin Said as he took my hand and spun me around

"Nun ya business!" I said laughing and blushing at everyone looking at me

Everyone started walking to there class as nick and I stayed behind everyone

"Baby." He said quietly so know one could hear

"Yeah?" I Said looking on my phone

"Today's a big day." He said Said biting his lip

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