Movies and Popcorn 📺🍿

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i can't believe i kissed nick. It was amazing. All I could do was just smile.

After swimming around and enjoying our time, we eventually got out and put our clothes back on to try and find the next clue.

"If it's not in the pool where would it be?" I asked searching under the bleachers.

"I have no idea, maybe its under the life vest?" Nick said walking towards the vest and pulling one up and seen the envelope attached to it.

"Haha got it!" Nick said running over to me as we sat next to each other on the bleachers as nick began to open it envelope.

Clue #6
Open me to use me, close me when you're through.

Look in your room for the next clue.

"Umm maybe the closet?" Nick said scratching his head.

"No that wouldn't make since because you don't actually use your closet. But good effort." I said flirting with him and leaned close to tease him.

He fell forward slowly and right as we touched the tips of our lips I pulled away teasing him.

"OKAY! Let's think of some more ideas!" I said laughing and walking away as I seen nick smile and lick his lips because he knew what I was doing.

As I was walking out the dolphin exhibit, I heard nick yell from behind as he was catching up to me.


I stoped in my place and blushed and turned around and seen him right in front of me.

"What makes you think you I'm teasing you?" I whispered in his ear and put my hand on his arm softly.

He made contact with me and bit his lip.

"Come on we gotta go!" I said laughing and running away.

"OH MY GOSH! Taylor!! I'm so done!" Nick said laughing and running after me.

We walked towards the main entrance and as I was about to open the door to exit the building, Nick put his hand around my waist and spun me around so I was now pushed up against the glass door as he was up against me.

"Taylor" Nick said pushing my hair behind my ear

"Yea?" I Said as I felt the heat form in my body

"I am really having a good time with you." He said talking softly, which made me want him even moreeeee, he drove me crazy but I didn't want him to tell I was crazy for him so I tried to play it off.

"Yeah I guess I'm having fun to." I Said pushing him away and walking out.

"Ugh! Taylor what are you doing to me!" Nick screamed and he slammed the door.

I stopped in place and laughed quietly facing the parking lot.

"Taylor! I'm serious! Are you just going to tease me and make me feel like y-" Nick yelled but I quickly turned around and ran to him and kissed him to shut him up.

I slowly pulled away. "Damn Nick, do you ever shut up." I said laughing and pulling him in for another kiss.

We then started walking back to the car as nick smoothly took my hand as we walked to the car. I got in the passenger side and nick got into the drivers side.

"Okay for real this time what is the answer for the next clue. I really want to win this so we can rub it into everyone's face." I Said twirling my hair.

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