Party Time 🤗

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Friday (Natalee's Party)

I woke up to my phone dead and I quickly got up and looked at my clock and seen it was 8:30.

"SHIT! I'm late!" I Said as I smacked my hands over my face and fell onto my bed.

There's no point of rushing because I'm already late. I got in the shower and got out and put my hair in a bun. I then went to my closet and picked out a black vans shirt, white jeans and my vans


I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs

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I brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I looked for my dad but didn't see him. I then walked into the kitchen and seen a note on the table

For my sweetheart,

I got called into work and I have to go to Michigan for the weekend. I'm sorry I didn't say bye this morning but I was rushing. I left $100 for you. I love you and be SAFE! I'll be home Sunday.

Love, dad

I rolled my eyes and crumpled the paper and threw it across the kitchen.

"Ughh WHAT THE FUCK!" I said and I took a deep breath.

I was so pissed because I needed my dad right now the most. I was hurt and needed him to cry on. I really didn't want to even go to school because I didn't want to see Nick and I was just so mad. But I couldn't skip because I had to take a big test today.

I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I got in my car and played music, I clicked on the "in my feels" playlist. I drove and sung my heart out and eventually got to school.

I grabbed my bag and started walking to my locker. It was passing time when I got to my locker so everyone was starting to walk through the halls to go to there 3rd period.

I opened my locker and grabbed the things I needed.

"Hey Taylor!" I heard from behind me. I turned around and seen Brandon standing there.

"Hey B!" I Said suddenly feeling so much better seeing him

"I didn't see you this morning?" He said leaning up against the lockers

"Oh yea, I woke up late, I just got here." I Said biting my bottom lip

"So are you going to Natalees party tonight?" He asked.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about that!" I said closing my eyes and placing my hand on my forehead

"I just have a lot going on right now. I totally forgot about her party. I don't really think I want to go to be honest" I said

"Nooo come on you have to go! I want you to be there." He said placing his head on the lockers as he wines.

"Pleaseeeee pleaseeee!" He said winning but in a adorable way.

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