Lazy Sunday 😊😴

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Nicks pov
I had such an amazing night with Taylor. I loved seeing her fall over and over again. It was really cute.
She made me feel really happy and I haven't been happy in a long time. I wish I talked to her way before because she is so amazing.

We finished eating and I drove her back to her house and all I wanted to do was kiss her over and over again.

"Goodnight Taylor." I Said as I let go of her warm, soft hands.

"mmmhh Goodnight Nick." She responded but pouted and did let go of my hand.

I wanted to be with her because she was all alone in this big house but I was hoping she was going to ask me to stay but she didn't.

She finally let go of my hand and walked inside her house and I walked towards my car but then went back to her door so I could give her one more kiss goodnight but as I went up to the door I heard her screaming and singing ,

I laughed and smiled so hard to hear her be so happy just because of me. Like I felt the exact same way but I didn't obviously show it because I didn't want Taylor to think I was sicco or something but when she did it , it was adorable.

As I heard her screaming I laughed to my self and blushed and walked back to my car and drove home very very happy.

**next day (back to Taylor's Pov)**
I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy. I grabbed my phone and unplugged it and seen why my phone was going off.

It was Alicia..of course.

I just called her and told her everything that happened. She was super happy for me and she said we have to have double date soon.

I got up and went to the bathroom and did my whole skin care routine and stayed in my pjs since it was Sunday and I had no plans. Plus my dad comes home today and I'm really excited to see him. I went downstairs and started to make a aci bowl with strawberries and blueberries. As the fruit and ice was blending, I walked out in my back yard and felt the sun beaming down on my skin.

I poured my smoothy in a bowl and put granola and chocolate chips on top and I quickly ran upstairs to change into my bath ring suit so I could tan.
I grabbed my bowl and headed outside. I payed down on the chairs we had around the pool and listen to music and eat my breakfast.

I was outside for about 1 hour or so and got a text from nick.

1 new text message

I got up and went inside my house to put my bowl in the sink and I headed up stairs to grab a pair of shorts to put over my swim suit bottoms and I also brushed my teeth

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I got up and went inside my house to put my bowl in the sink and I headed up stairs to grab a pair of shorts to put over my swim suit bottoms and I also brushed my teeth. What? I can't have bad breath when he's with me. I also brushed my hair and put it up into a ponytail. I went back outside and put my legs in the pool and just continues to listen to my music with my headphones.

I was just swooshing my legs around in the pool and listening to my music when someone came from behind me and touched me and I got scared and fell into the pool.

"WHAT THE HELL NICK!" I yelled jumping up from the water and rubbing my eyes.

"Nick? WHO THE HELL IS NICK!" Yelled the man

I quickly opened my eyes because I realized it wasn't Nick. It was a my dad.

"OH um-um DAD! Your home!" I yelled nervously as I was getting out of the pool and wrapped the towel around me.

"Honey, don't play this sweet talk with me. Who is Nick?" He demanded.

"Dad um Nick is my friend, that I-I met over the weekend."  I Said biting my nails

"Where did you go to meet this..Nick." He said crossing his arms.

"Alicia had a little get together and I met him there." I responded looking at the door back and forth hoping nick wouldn't walk in any minute.

"Why do you keep looking at the door Taylor?" My dad said pointing at the door.

"Uh-uh I'm supposed to be getting a package! I uh-uh ordered some clothes!" I Said lying right through my teeth.

"Well I want to meet this Nick guy because he doesn't sound like a friend to me." My dad said just as the doorbell rung.

He started walking towards the door but quickly ran infront of him.

"WAIT DAD! THATS JUST-that's just my packages." I said shouting but realized how I was making things more suspicious.

"Ill get it, go take a nap or something dad. You have been traveling all weekend. How about this I'll make you dinner tonight and we can have a movie night." I said trying to change the subject.

"Mmh that sounds nice, but Taylor I don't know why you are acting all weird but a nap does sound good." My dad says while he ears up stairs.

I wait at the end of the steps to see he is all the way upstairs and I quickly went to open the door.

"He-" nick said but I cut him off.

" shhh shh!!" I Said pushing him back as my hands were over his mouth.

"W-What?" He said whispering

"My dad just got home and I had no idea he was coming home early, you can't be here." I said pulling him to the grass.

"Why you hiding me from him? Why can't I meet him?" He said scrunching his eyebrows as he look a little mad

"Nick u will just-just not right now, it's way to early." I Said becoming really stressed.

"Okay." Nick said turning around and walking to his car very mad.

"Wait nick! Why are you mad?" I siad running after him.

"I'm not. I'll see you tomorrow at school." He said driving off, just leaving me in my driveway.

I walk back in my house and have a confused look on my face still wondering why nick was so mad.

** 2 hours later**

I've just been chilling in my room and listening to music. I was going to text nick right after we got in the fight? It wasn't even a fight? I don't even know what happened but I knew he was mad or upset.  Didn't text him though because I new he need some time to just cool off.

The thing if I feel like we are in a relationship and we really aren't. Well I don't think we are because I mean yeah he took me on a date but does that mean we are dating or does he have to actually ask me out. Ughh I don't know. I just decided to have a night with my dad and to just deal with everything tomorrow.

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