Panic 😳

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For the past couple of days me and nick have got so much closer and our relationship has been so good. We still haven't told anyone about us besides Zion and Alicia and obviously Brandon knows but they have kept there mouths shut.

Prom was coming up and I was really nervous. All these thoughts came to my mind. What if Nick didn't ask me and just assumed we are going together because we are dating but, I want him to ask me because I've always wanted to have the best prom and in order for that to happen I needed him to ask me

It doesn't have to be big or at school but maybe a little something.


I arrived at school and as I got out my car I saw Alicia running towards me in panic.

"Taylor!!!" She said running towards me with fear in her face

"What! What!" I asked worried

"I'm freaking out! We have to come up with a prom theme and we have NO TIME! it's next weekend! I'm goi-I'm going to pass out!" She panicked as she started to lose balance

"OKAY OKAY! RELAX REALX!" I said starting to panic

"I CANT REALX WHEN YOU ARE PANICKING!" She yelled back as we both were freaking out

"Okay okay...." I Said as i gestured her to take a deep breath with me

We both sat there with our eyes closed breathing slowly in and out

"After school i can stay here all night with you and we will come up with a brilliant idea." I Said very very calm

"Thanks tay." She said finally relaxed

*bell rings*

"I'll meet you in the meeting room after school." I Said grabbing my bag and walking off

"Wait I'll see you at lunch, right?" Alicia asked getting up as well

"I have to go to the library and do some school work." I Said

"Okay. After school." She said pointing at me

I nodded and began to walk to my class. I got into my class and plugged in my headphones and worked the whole period.

For my next couple of periods I did the same thing.
It was now lunch but I decided to go to the library to catch up on some work. As I was walking towards the library, I realized I haven't seen or talked to nick the whole morning. Normally I would see him at lunch.

I sat down at a computer and started me work. I had to do this big essay thing for my English class. I wanted to get into Yale. I needed to do some research. I got up from the computer and started to look for books about my essay.

I got In an aisle and starting looking through the books to find what I needed. As I took a book off the shelf, I seen nick on the other aisle smiling straight at me

"Oh my god! You scared me!" I Said sticking my hand through the self and slapping him

"I didn't see you at lunch and Alicia told me you'd be here." He said laughing and stepping back so I couldn't reach him

"Aww you miss me." I Said teasing him as I started walking down the Aisle I was in as he followed but in the Aisle still next to mine

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