The woods 🌲🌳

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"So the swing right?" I said running up to nick.

"Yeah, you look at those ones and I'll look at the kid swings." Nick said.

I headed to the swings and it was so dark and creepy outside. This park was like in the middle of a field. It seemed spooky and foggy. I got a little scared because Nick was all the way on the other side of the park.

I looked quickly for another clue until I saw someone run through the woods. I couldn't see who or what it was but I got really scared But also curious to know what it was. I walked slowly towards the woods to see what it was. I then followed a trail that was already formed.

"Hello?" I Said.

Then I seen the same thing run through the trees.

"Oka-y who-who ever you are just-just know I have pepper-pepper spray!" I Shouted stuttering and lying because I was so scared.

I then walked backwards slowly , still being able to see what's in front of me.

"Boo!" Someone Said from behind me right in my ear

"AHHHHH! AHHHH!" I screamed as I ran so fast I couldn't see who it was or what it was.

"AHHHH NICK!!! HELLLP!" I screamed, so hopefully nick could hear me

Nicks POV

I went to go check the baby swings when Taylor went to go check the regular swings. I looked around and didn't find any clue. I then realized how crappy and spooky the park looked. I then looked over to see if Taylor found anything and she was gone. I quickly ran over and looked for her.

"TAYLOR! Taylor?" I screamed as I looked around the whole park.

I then heard screams coming from the woods that sounded just like Taylor. I ran as fast as I could screaming her name.

"TAYLOR!! TAYLOR!!! HOLD ON IM COMING!!" I yelled running into the creepy woods.

Taylor's POV
As I ran for my life I heard Nick screaming my name. At this point I wanted to be in his arms and cry because I was so scared.

"NICK!! WHERE ARE YOU!" I cried.

I then seen Nick come running towards me. I cried of joy and ran right into his arms.

"Oh my god Taylor you scared me! What happened?" Nick asked squeezing me in his arms.

All I did was cry and felt so safe and protected in his arms.

"Som-someone was in- in the woods an-and..." I tried to explain

"Shhh shh Taylor, Taylor it's okay your safe with me now. Okay." Nick said rubbing my back as I'm still in his arms.

We eventually got out the woods and walked back to the car.

"Than-thank you Nick." I said wiping my tears away

"Your welcome, and if you don't want to play this game anymore I totally-" nick said but I cut him off

"No no I just-I- I want to still play I'm not going to ruin this." I Said putting a smile on my face

"Are you sure Taylor it's okay if-" nick said

"No! I'm sure." I Said

"Okay well, I'll go quickly look for the clue and u can stay in the car okay?" Nick asked kindly opening the door for me.

I nodded my head and turned to sit in the car.

"Oh my god!" Nick shouted.

"WHAT OMG WHAT!" I screamed because I got so scared.

"THERES AN ENVELOPE IN YOUR POCKET!" Nick said pointing to my back pocket.

"What! How?" I asked confused.

"Wait wait wait hold on. I think that whole creepy person was part of this we could get the next clue. The person must of put it in your pocket when they scared you." Nick said rushing me into the car and him self to.

I quickly grabbed the envelope and read it out loud.

Clue #4
#4. I'm a bird, but I can't fly

"A bird that can't fly? What kinda bird is that!" Nick joked.

"Oh no" I said laughing

"Just drive around until we can figure it out, this park is low key still scaring me." I said locking the doors.

After about a 10min drive around. Nick stomped so hard on the breaks, making me fly forward but my seatbelt locked so I didn't hit anything.

"PENGUIN! A penguin is a bird and it can't fly!" Nick cheered. He then drove fast to the closest aquarium.

We got to the aquarium and obviously since it was almost 12:00AM, no one was here. We got up to the gate and it was locked.

"Shit. How are we supposed to get in?" Nick complained as he sat on the curb with his hands running through his hair.

"Nick... there's always a way!" I Said biting my bottom lip and smiling at him.

I then started to climb the fence and nick followed. We got in and looked for the closest map to find the penguins. We eventually went around the whole place and found the penguins. Right where they have information about the birds there was another envelope attached to it.

Clue #5

"SPLASH!!!! I swim by you going 25 miles an hour. I am slippery, sleek, and fast. Don't blink or you might miss me swim by you."

"That's easy. Dolphins." I said trying to show off.

"Wow. You know your dolphins uh." Nick said being a tease.

I laughed and rolled my eyes as we headed to the dolphins. We got into the room and there's a huge pool but there were no dolphins in it.

"Wanna go for a swim?" Nick asked while taking off his clothes.

"What? W-we can't?" I said.

"Taylor. Let's have some fun!" Nick said smiling at me

I started to laugh and watched him get undressed to his boxers.

"But I don't have a bathing suit?" I said pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Me either." Nick said winking.

I slowly got undressed until I was in my laces bra and matching lace underwear.

"Wow." Nick said admiring my body.

"What?" I asked shyly

"You look so beautif-" nick said right as he grabbed me and jumped in the water.

"OH. MY. GOSH. NICK!" I said slashing water in his face.
I then tried to swim away from nick as he was cashing me while we were laughing and I felt his arms wrap around my waist and spun me towards his body , so we were now touching.

"You suck!" I said laughing.

we then both stared into each other's eyes and nick grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine. It was everything I ever wanted!

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