Work Buddy ✏️📕

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Finally school was over and I head out the main entrance to go to my car. As I was waking up to my car, Brandon came and walked with me

"Hey Taylor!" He said gripping his backpack

"Hey Brandon." I Said smiling at him

"So did you do that English project?" He asked scratching his head

"Yea I'm like so stuck on that. It's so hard and I didn't even get a partner." I Said complaining

"Well that's actually good because I was thinking we could like work on it together. I know we aren't in the same class but we can help one another out or something." Brandon Said looking and me. It was like he was nervous or something

"Yea! That would be great! I really need to get a good grade on this." I Said laughing and taking my keys out my bag

"Awesome then I'm free right now." He said

"Yea me too. We can go to my house and work on it." I Said unlocking my car

Brandon got in the passenger seat and I got in the drivers seat

Brandon and I talked about just some random stuff and had a jam out session in the car. It was actually really fun.

We pulled into my drive way and we got out the car.
We walked into my house and I could smell tacos coming from the kitchen. Brandon and I walked in the kitchen and I seen my dad cooking tacos

"Hey honey I made tac-" my dad said keeping an eye on the food but then looked up and seen Brandon

"And who is this?" He said wiping his hands on the towel and reaching his arm out to Brandon

"Dad this is Brandon, brandon this is my dad." I said pointing at both of them

"Nice to meet you Brandon." My dad said shaking his hand and giving him a big smile

"You too Mr. lee." Brandon Said

There was kind of an awkward silence for a moment until my dad broke it.

"So Brandon, do you like my daughter because if you do we will hav-" my dad said chopping up the onions but I quickly interrupted him.

"OKAY-okay dad we will be upstairs doing our English project!" I Shouted as I pulled Brandon out of the kitchen

"AREN'T YOU GUYS GOING TO EAT?" He yelled from the kitchen

"NOT HUNGRY!" I yelled back as me and Brandon laughed and went up to my room

We got into my room and put our stuff on the ground. I could see Brandon looking around my room and admiring it

"Um sorry about my dad...he always assumes stuff." I Said laughing nervously

"All good. I get it." He said looking at my records

"I would of never thought you had records!" Brandon Said looking through them

"Yea! It's kinda of a think me and my dad have in common even since I was little." I said walking over to him and smiling at the memories of when me my mom and my dad use to have dance parties.

"If you don't mind me asking...what happened to your mom?" Brandon Said looking me right in the eyes.

"Um well when I was about 6, she died in a car accident." I Said as I felt tears coming

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