Rebound 🤔

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Nicks POV

"So Who you trying to hook up with tonight?" Brandon asked

"Ahh not really in the mood tonight." I Said annoyed.

I couldn't blow up on Brandon because he didn't know about me and Taylor , but it was so hard not to punch him in the face.

We walked to lunch and seen everyone sitting around the table

"Wassup nick." Austin said as we dub up

We all started to talk about fornite and shii but then I saw Taylor and Alicia come towards us. She looked so beautiful, that's all I thought. I seen her sit right between Brandon and Harper.

Natalee ran over to us and told us about her party she won't shut the hell up about and Taylor made a funny comment about her and I seen everyone laugh and then seen Brandon move his hand on her fucking thigh.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to jump across this table and choke him. But I couldn't so I just did the best thing for everyone and just stormed off


Zion and I picked up Edwin, Austin and sadly Brandon. We drove to Natalee's house and seen how huge it was. It was so sick. We all got out and walked in and seen a bunch of people drinking and etc. We all went into the kitchen and made some drinks.

"So is um Taylor coming?" I Said taking a sip of my drink

"Ummm I think so. Why?" Brandon asked curious

"Just um just wondering. No reason." I Said as I looked around the room

"Yo Nick, lets check out the back." Zion said jerking his head towards the back

I followed him towards the back. It was the biggest yard and pool I've ever seen.

"You okay? Your not yourself?"  Zion asked me

"Well no not really. Taylor and I are done." I Said as I swished my drink in my cup

"Bro what! I'm so sorry dude." Zion said padding me on the back

"Zion she's something different, but she's all over Brandon." I Said sitting down on the steps

"Well maybe tonight you can talk to her and try to get her back?" Zion suggested

"Yea I doubt that." I Said looking at everyone swimming in the pool

"If not...then I'm sure any girl here would love to be your rebound bro." Zion said as he pointed to the pool full of girls and walked back inside.

10min later

I've been sitting here drinking and drinking. All I could think about was Taylor.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I heard a light voice behind me.

I turned around and seen a pretty blond girl with a bikini on

"It's all yours." I Said pointing next to me

We sat there for a couple of seconds watching everything going on

"It's sucks huh." She said as she broke the silence

"What?" I Said confused as I looked at her

"The girl. The girl who hurt you." She said as she took a sip of her drink without Making eye contact

"How did you kno-" I asked but she cut me off

"I can tell." She said finally making eye contact with me

I looked at her then back at the pool and took a sip of my drink

"I don't know the story but I can tell you if I was her I wouldn't leave those beautiful brown eyes." She said smiling at me

I felt flattered and I blushed a little. I then remembered what Zion told me. Maybe I do need a rebound.

"Wanna go get another drink?" I asked

"I would love to." She responded biting her bottom lip

we got up and opened the door to get into the kitchen. I walked in and seen Zion, Edwin, Austin, Harper, Alicia, Brandon and...Taylor. I looked at her and Brandon once again...fliritng. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the drinks.

"Nick! Perfect! You and... sorry I don't know your name." Edwin Said dragging us over to everyone.

"Becca." She said

I looked at her and smiled because I didn't know her name until now

"Actually We gotta-" I Said but Becca cut me off

"No. Let's play." Becca Said pulling me to the end of the table

I looked at Taylor and she was chugging down her drink and she bent over towards me and said,

"Let's win!"

I could smell the alcohol from her breath and I clenched my jaw and I looked into her beautiful eyes and all I wanted to do was grab her and kiss her but the other side of me wanted to rub Becca in her face just like she was doing with Brandon

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