Do You Care About Me? 😞

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Taylor's Pov

Brandon and I went up against Zion and Alicia first. We were winning 7-2 and every time we got a shot, me and Brandon went crazy. We finally beat Alicia and Zion and now it was us against Nick and Becca.

I didn't keep my eyes off her. I stared her down so hard and gave her the most bitchest face ever.

"Ready to lose." Becca Said pointing and eyebrow up and grabbing the ball

"Bitch I like to see you try." I Said crossing my arms and looking her up and down

She went first and got it in a cup. Nick and her gave each other a high five and I took the drink and drunk it without losing eye contact with her.

Nick grabbed the ball and threw it in another cup. They both cheered again and that bitch was so fucking annoying. My ears were ringing from her high pitched voice.

"Can you actually like SHUT THE FUCK UP! like damn your voice is so fucking annoying!" I yelled as everyone looked at me

"You only have a problem with me because we are winning!" She Shouted back

"Honey, you don't wanna start with me!" I said as I laughed and rolled my eyes

"Maybe I do." She said as she grabbed nicks shirt and slipped her tongue down his throat

"OKAY THATS IT!!" I yelled at I jumped on the table and jumped on top of her and started throwing punches

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!" Everyone chanted while coming into the room

"TAYLOR! TAYLOR!" Nick yelled trying to pull me off of Becca

"BEST THAT BITCHES ASS TAYLOR!" I heard Alicia scream

Brandon and nick and Zion had to try and get me off her and it took a couple minutes but they eventually got me off.

"YOUR A FUCKING DUMB ASS WHORE!" I yelled trying to get out of nicks arms. He started pulling me out the door as I was kicking and yelling at her.

"Let go of me!! Nick!" I Shouted as he brought me outside. He eventually let me go.

"What the hell was that!" He said pointing back at the house

I just stood there and crossed my arms and didn't make eye contact with him.

"Taylor! What is your problem!" He said trying to get my attention by waving his hand at me angrily

"DON'T FUCKING PUT YOUR HAND IN MY FACE!" I screamed as I slapped his Hand out of my face

"Why did you freak out like that!" He said looking me in the eye

"BECAUSE SHE FUCKING KISSED YOU NICK!" I said yelling in his face

He just looked at me and I clenched my jaw and didn't make eye contact

"Taylor. You broke up with ME! SO THAT MEANS I CAN GO AROUND AND HOOK UP WITH ANYONE I WANT! YOU HURT ME! " He yelled right in my face

"okay then GO! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE!" I cried and walked away

"TAYLOR! TAYLOR!" He yelled as he followed me

"NO! DO NOT FOLLOW ME!" I said turning around and pointing at him as tears ran down my face

"TAYLOR! YOU ARE DRUNK ! YOU ARE NOT WALKING BY YOURSELF!" He yelled as he ran to me and grabbed my arm


"TAYLOR! Taylor! I do care about you and I always will. I love you so much! I can't get my mind off of you. Becca was just going to be a distraction so I could try and forget about you but I CANT!" He said cupping my cheeks in his hands, forcing me to make eye contact

" no nick. It won't work with us! It will never work." I Said grabbing his hands and pulling them off my face as i continued to cry

"Taylor it can work. Please. I need you." Nick said as he grabbed me by the waist

"Please dont do this." I Said trying to push him away but he grabbed me and kissed me.

I couldn't help but kiss back. It felt so amazing and I just wanted all of him and I never wanted him to leave me. The kiss got deeper and deeper. I then slowly pulled away.

"You said you..." I said but nick interrupted me

"Love you. Yes I do. I love you so much Taylor. " he said as he tighten his grip around me and pulled me in a for another kiss

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