Keep it low key 😊

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"Ughhhh" I moaned waking up to my dads voice.

I woke up to remembering the little argument me and Nick had yesterday, so it put me in a mad mood already. I quickly checked my phone to see if he texted me or anything but there was nothing.

I got up and went to the bathroom, did my business, brushed my teeth, did my skincare and headed back into my room to put on an outfit. I really wasn't feeling it today to be honest. So I just wore leggings and a olive green long sleeve and put on my Nike Cortez.


I walked slowly down the stairs that you could hear my every step

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I walked slowly down the stairs that you could hear my every step. I walked into the kitchen and seen my dad sitting by the island and doing some work on his computer

"Good morning honey." He said keeping his eyes on the screen

"I mean not really but morning." I said grabbed a apple from the counter

"Why aren't you having a good morning hun?" My dad said taking off his glasses and making eye contact with me

"Umm I just got into a little argument with one of my friends the other day." I said grabbing my lunch from the fridge and putting it into my book bag.

"Really? Alicia?" He asked curious

"No, someone else but I wish I could keep talking to you but I gotta go. I love you dad." I Said as I jogged around the island and kissed my dad on the head

"I hope your day gets better sweetie!" He tells as I open the front door.

"Yeah me too." I said quietly to myself

I got in my car and I was craving coffee and a donut so bad but I seen the time and realized I would be late if I stopped to get some so I just drove to school.

I pulled into the parking lot and seen Nick sitting on the hood of his car with Everyone who was at game night.

"What. so we are all buddy's now" I said to myself and rolling my eyes

I parked and got out and grabbed my bag from the back seat and walked past everyone around his car

"Yo! Taylor!" Austin said, making me stop

I just stood there and slowly turned around with the fakest smile on my face.

"Yea?" I Shouted back

"You think you can just walk past us and not say hi!" Edwin Said laughing and running towards me

"Hey Ed, I'm just going to get to cla-" I whispered but he Interrupted me

"Yea yea yea come on." He said said dragging me over to everyone

As he dragged me over, you could obviously tell I didn't want to be over here because of something and that something is nick

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