Graduation 🎓

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Prom was such an amazing night. That's all I could think about was nick inside of me. We have "done it" so much this week and I still want more, I was in love with him.

Graduation is Tomorrow and I'm so nervous. I still haven't gotten accepted to get into Madison. I've dreamed of going there since I was born. My mom went there and she loved it. That's the only college I want to go to.

Alicia is spending the night tonight so tomorrow we can get ready together. Nick and Zion might come over later to since my dad said he's going to be working late tonight.

"Hellloooo?" Alicia and I looked at each other and screamed since we were home alone

"Chill chilll." Nick Said putting his hands up in defense

"You guys fucking scared us!" I Said throwing a pillow at Zion

"Well you're dumb for keeping your door unlocked!" Zion replied throwing the pillow back at me

"yeah what if someone came and took you." Nick said laughing and waking over to kiss me

"Hey handsome." I Said leaning in for the kiss

We all just watched a movie and snuggled. I then yawned.

"Are you tired?" Nick whispered So Alicia and Zion couldn't hear

"Yea a little." I said yawning again

" if you want I can change that." Nick whispered as he gripped my thigh

I bite my lip and quickly ran up the stairs as nick followed

"Where the hell you going!" Alicia screamed

"They finna fuck." Zion yelled and laughed

As we made it into my room,nick grabbed my arm and slammed me gently to the door and smashed his lips into mine. We eventually made it to the bed and we'll you know what happened.

Graduation day

"Honey?" My dad said knocking on my door

"I stretched and felt someone's body right next to mine. I looked over and seen a nick asleep

"Oh shit!" I whispered

"Nick! Wake up!!" I Said shaking him ruff

"Honey are you okay?" My dad Said from the other side of the door

"Yea dad I'll be down in a minute!" I Shouted back

I quickly jumped out the covers and jumped on top of nick!

"Hello Nicckkkk wake up!" I Said smacking him lightly but hard enough to wake him up

"Emmhhh." He said groaning

"Nick my dads home you have to leave before he finds you!" I Said

"I don't wanna go." He said as he grabbed my waist and rolled over on top of me

"Nick!" I Said shushing him and laughing

"We graduate today baby." He said still hovering over me

"I know baby." I said pulling his head down and kissing him

"Now leave!" I Said pushing him off and pointing to the window

"Your really making me go through the wind-" He said but I cut him off

"Go nick!" I Said still pointing towards the window

He grabbed his stuff and climbed out the window.
I laughed at him and walked up to the window

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