The Date 🥰

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"Hey Taylor..wake up ma." I heard someone say while gently shaking me.

I slowly began to wake up and rubbed my eyes. As I opened them I seen Nick in his jacket and shoes. I seen everyone else still asleep.

"Where are you going?" I Said in my sleepy voice.

"I have to go to workouts but I just wanted to say goodbye." Nick said as he kissed me.

"Mmh no I have morning breath." I Said pushing him away.

"I don't care. Okay Ill see you tonight okay?"He said laughing.

"Yep tonight." I Said falling back asleep.

**2 hours later**
I eventually woke up and seen everyone was eating in the kitchen. I got up and checked my phone and read the time.

"Damn it's already 10:00am." I Said to myself.

"Finally your awake!" Brandon Said coming in the living room with a glass of orange juice.

"Yeah I don't know why I slept in so long." I said smiling and getting up and putting my hair in a messy bun.

"Come on everyone's in the kitchen eating breakfast." Brandon Said as I followed him.

"Good morning sunshine!" Zion said as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning z" I replied still trying to wake up fully.

"I made a whole bunch of food! Eat up babe." Alicia said to me as she pointed to everyone eating.

I grabbed a plate and grabbed some hash browns and a piece of toast and sat down next to laney.

Everyone sat down together and we all caught up on what we all did last night and all the scary and fun moments we had during game night.

"Hey Taylor, where's nick?" Edwin asked as he put a mouth full of eggs in his mouth.

"Umm he had workouts, I think." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Mmh are you guys are like a thing or what?" Harper teased.

"Hm no just friends." I said biting a piece of my toast. to be honest I didn't want to tell everyone what me and nick were or if we were anything because every time I get into a relationship, there's always that one person that try's to ruin it.

**1 hour later**

We all finished eating at Alicia's house and everyone left , except me and Zion.

"Hey Alicia I'm going to head out and get ready for tonight." I Said grabbing my keys and putting on my shoes.

"Get ready for what?" She asked as her and Zion were watching tv.

"For" I said getting quieter at the end of my sentence.

"Nu uh! Nick Mara asked you out didn't he!" She said jumping up from the couch.

I just blushed and played with my keys

"My mannn" Zion said smiling.

"Okay he did but I think it's best if we just keep it quite for now so only you and Zion know okay and it will stay like this until I tell you so okay? ZION." I said pointing him out.

"Okay okay jeez. My secret is safe with us." Zion said pulling Alicia on top of him.

"Okay okay let me leave before I see stuff I don't want to see...AGAIN!" I Said in disgust as I walked out the door.

I went home and had a whole spa day by myself. I started the bath and put bunch and bunch of bubbles and put on a watermelon face mask and put my hair up and just relax while reading a book.

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