Im ready 💦

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⚠️WARNING⚠️ this chapter is more descriptive. so read at your own risk

3 hours later

Prom ended and we all gathered our things to leave.

"Hey guys I'm having a party at my house if y'all want to come!" Natalee said to all of us

I looked at Nick and we all nodded in agreement to go

We got to Natalees house and had some drinks and danced a bit more. Nick and I were probably the best dancers.

"Wanna go upstairs?" I whispered in his ear

"Yea." Nick replied

I pulled his arm through the crowd as we made our way upstairs. As we reached the top of the stairs I pulled him to me and started to kiss him. Our kiss got deeper and deeper. Nick pushed me back to one of the doors without disconnecting our lips.

We eventually made it in a room and I pulled away from nick and closed and locked the door. We smiled at one another as I pushed him on the bed and climbed on top of him. I slowly pulled away from the kiss and got off of him.

I stood up and slowly took my my dress. All of a sudden I was in my bra and underwear. I climbed back on top of him and his hands were all around my body. I pulled his jacket off as he helped and took of his under shirt.

He held me up on his lap for support as we continued to make out. I began to unbuckle his belt

"Are you sure?" He asked pulling away from the kiss

"Yea, yea I'm sure." I Said pushing my hair back

"I know you haven't done this before, I love you Taylor and I just want you to be ready. No pressure." Nick said rubbing his hands around my bare waist

I smiled at how sweet and polite he was.

"I'm ready." I Said as nick turned me over and began to kiss down my neck. He then kissed between my thighs getting high and higher and he teased me.
His fingers trailed the top lace of my underwear and next thing you know it he ripped them off and started EATING ME OUT!

I felt so much pleasure and it was so hard to handle. I then pulled nick up to me and flipped back on top of him and I ran my hands down his chest and left soft and gentle kisses.

He then flipped me back over and looked me in the eye and said

"Taylor, I love you so much"

I smiled and nodded my head as for him to enter and

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed

I felt him thrust in and out and I couldn't hold it in any longer

"Nick I-I'm-" I tried saying but I was out of breath

We both released and nick plot right next to me.

"I-wow!" I Said trying to catch my breath

"That's the best I've ever had!"  Nick said covering us up

I smiled at him and kissed him

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