Prom 👗👑

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Prom is in 6 days! I'm so excited and I'm freaking out because I haven't found a dress yet. Alicia already found hers but I haven't found one I was in love with. Alicia and I are going to the mall today to find one.

I got ready and slipped on some shorts and a t shirt. Alicia then pulled up and honked her horn. I grabbed my things and ran out the door.

"Hey girl!" She said as I got in the car

"Hey." I Said buckling my seatbelt

We listened to music and talked about prom the whole ride there. We eventually got to the mall and it was packed! We walked in and seen lines and lines.

We walked into a dress store and it was so packed

"Okay so you take this half and I'll take the other, grab whatever you think I might like." I told Alicia pointing at the store

I ran through the first side and dug through everything. I found a lot of cute dresses and grabbed them.

20min later

Alicia and I met up at the line to try on the dresses.

"Honey you can take this one." The worker said

"Thank you." I replied while taking all the dresses from Alicia and walking in the dressing room

"Show me Everyone!" Alicia said knocking on my door

I tried on so many different dresses and I just wasn't in love with any of them. Just when I was cleaning up all the dresses I had on the floor, I seen one still hanging that I didn't try on.

I then slipped in on and looked in the mirror...

"" I said staring at the dress

"Why? What!" Alicia said trying to open the door

She eventually opened the door and seen my standing and looking at the dress

"Wow, Taylor. Its gorgeous!" She said also in shock

"This is it." I Said finally coming back from my shock

"Yes honey it is!" Alicia said adjusting it a bit

I took the dress of and bought it and we left the store.

"Happy PROM DAY!!" My dad yelled running in my room

"Dad!" I Said just waking up but laughing at his actions

"Sorry sweetie Alicia told me to wake you up like that, oh and by the way I got a huge breakfast for you and your friends while you guys get ready!" He said leaving my room

I pulled the covers over my head and then slowly brought them down and smiled so big

"It's prom day!" I screamed jumped out of my bed

Alicia and the girls are coming over in a bit so we can all get ready. I got a spray tan and my nails done yesterday. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair and body while jamming to some music. I got out and put on shorts and a one of Nicks hoodies.

I then put on a face mask and headed downstairs.
As I was walking down the stairs, I got a text from Alicia saying that her and the girls will be over in a bit.

I walked into the kitchen and seen a huge table full of snack and goodies

I walked into the kitchen and seen a huge table full of snack and goodies

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