Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Welcome to Until Eternity.
I wrote this book quite a few years ago and I just wanted to thank you for giving it a chance.

I do intend to rewrite this at some point, and I will let you guys know when I do that!

Happy reading!! <3

Chapter 1

Well, this 'book' is going to be awkward. This is the result of a long night on the internet, and we all know how weird these things are, even though I'm not too connected with technology, I saw someone bring up a plot line which is a... replica of my life, almost as if the writer was stalking me. My name is Chester, Chester Charles Allerton. Pleasure to meet you. I am probably the stereotypical definition of British; tea, crumpets, politeness and complaining. I mean I have lived in England for a good 700 years or so. And yes, mister or miss 21st century human, I have collected quite the fortune in my time, sort of unavoidable if you want to live in a house and pay bills, taxes and all of those boring things which I complain about.

You must be looking for a catch by now? There must be a negative aspect to my life which would make my immortal, rich life unbearable. Well, I need to leave at least a little bit of mystery in the tale otherwise it would be quite boring, wouldn't it? My life is one of the basic 19-year-olds, university, travels, and sleep. They say that university is one of the most social times of a person's life. Well, I tend to say it is the perfect time to stay indoors, isolated and focused on my 14th degree. I am currently studying Children's language and linguistics, it's not the hardest of subjects that I've done but there are a lot of theories, I can't complain I was around when the theories were taught of. I live a very repetitive life (wake up, eat, university, eat, study, exercise, eat, bath and bed) Which is a bit different to what I used to be like, but when bungee jumping off a cliff doesn't entertain you, you know that there is a little bit of a problem.

I was lonely. This is the part where my life starts to sound like beauty and the beast; 'an arrogant twat was cursed for being an arrogant twat and then they need to suffer through the torture of the curse then they become less of an arrogant twat'. Yes, this is my life in a nutshell. But I don't have a massive abnormality, unless you count being immortal. I also don't have magic furniture, unfortunately, that would be pretty spectacular. Of course, I have a past, everyone does. I'd rather not talk about my prestige past with someone I just met about 400 words ago. It's Tuesday today, 20Th June 2017 to be exact. Most love this time of year because it means fun, summer, and no school. For me however it means that I'll be spending more time in front of my computer, or perhaps getting a job. At my university I study 4 hours every Tuesday and Thursday. I spend most Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays in the library. It's not as boring as you may think, a lot of children spend lessons there and there are some occasions when I read or study with people, I may as well help people if I can. I grab my bag and head for the door.

Most people who come to my house for the first time are shocked at the size of it, my home is admittedly amazing –I know I'm so modest- I do take my time to appreciate what I have. If I didn't do this, I don't even want to imagine what I'd become if I didn't take the time to be grateful for what I have instead of what I don't have –no matter how unbearable that is- I'd imagine that I'd be rebellious, obnoxious and well ungrateful. I have a 30-minute walk from my home to the bus stop each morning.

As I say I like to take my time, therefore there is little driving for me, even if I can drive and have a car. But the placement of my home does have it's drawbacks, for example I need to have a light on at all times as if I didn't it could mean that people would imagine it to be abandoned and want to vandalise or rob it, even after the safety precautions that I take someone is bound to be clever enough to get around them. I don't see many animals around here, a squirrel or a bunny at most. The bus stop is the same as any in England- one window smashed, no correct timetable and some awful graffiti- I wouldn't recommend sitting down unless you wish to miss your bus.

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