chapter 27

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A/N I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who is reading this book! This is my first original story that I have posted online and I am rather overwhelmed about the fact that there is people actually reading it. A massive thank you to the golden nugget community -you know who you are!-for giving me the strength and inspiration to continue writing this, Enjoy!

The next day was a Saturday, So I had plenty of time to put mine and Alaric's plans into action. Before hand though I had went to the shop , I know it is very cheesy and typical but I got Maddox a large stuffed animal, He had a lot of stuffed animals around his room, They mainly looked like some things that you would win by playing games or you would get for free at certain events . I didn't see one of a owl there though, and they happen to be one of Maddox's favourite animals . Therefore I bought him a rather large owl with a heart on it's stomach.

I knew that Maddox would not have left the hospital by the time that I had arrived at his house, I simply knocked on the door and waited. I had the feeling that Kenneth would be up at around this time. I only had to wait around two minutes before the door opened , a rather frustrated "Hello?" he asked as though he was talking to someone on the telephone . I smiled at him politely

"Hello mister miller it's chester, I just wanted to drop something off for Maddox, if that's alright?" I asked him politely so that i didn't stress him out even more. He seemed to be expecting someone else however considering his face lightened up at the mention of my name and sound of my voice "Oh of course! here.." He held his hand out to take the bag that i had in my hand. I didn't think Maddox would want his parents to know what was inside of it. I'm not sure if he had told his parents that we had went on a date, never mind that we have kissed.

I didn't stay long at the door as i placed the excuse of having somewhere else to be. Which wasn't completely incorrect. I began my long journey into the woods , Alaric had told me where Alviva's house s , of course Amity lived there as well but Alaric's part of the plan was to get her away and keep her away. Which he doubted would be much of an issue considering they hung out at the house where they held me when i was kidnapped rather frequently .

Alviva's house wasn't too different from mine, though it was a little bit more well-kept, I assume that it is due to the magic that was keeping the place alive. She had admitted to me one day that she liked to brew potions and she was working on a lot of love potions. Over the years she had tried a few on me but due to the curse having some perks it means that love potions don't really have an effect on me. I keep learning that she has no idea about her own curse. If i will get anything out of this trip it would be more answers about my curse, I still had zero idea what the colours mean on my 'm ' mark on the palm of my hand .

She ...confused me a lot if i am honest, I have known her for hundreds of years but we have only spoken about twenty times. She just likes to show up when things go wrong. Oddly enough i have seen her more in the past few weeks then I have in the last hundred years. As i walked up the path i had time to think about what i would ask, though it's not as though i wasn't thinking about that the entirety of last night.

Upon stepping up to the front door it swung open. There was no one on the other side so i decided to have a little peek around , nothing unusual caught my eye really, if you were to walk up to any well cared for mansion then nothing would look out of place in comparison to this one. It was very lavishly decorated with leather settees and golden accents . The walls were burgundy and it looked like a place where a billionaire wouldn't mind spending all of their days.

I was randomly wandering the house, I knew that Alviva was aware of my presence and assumed that she wouldn't let me see places that i had no business in. Sort of like a cloaking spell or disguising spell. I had fallen for those quite a few times . Unfortunately I didn't really have the strength to battle against those kinds of spells.

Eventually i ended up in a room at the end of a long hallway , the door was made of a mahogany wood with a golden handle embellished with intricate designs of swirls and spirals. I opened the door to see Alviva facing away from me. She made no move to talk or turn so i took the time to look around .

This room would actually be rather similar to what you would expect a witch's study to be like, there were crystal balls and pendulums and crystals strewn on the shelves . there was a ....camping stove beside a mortar and pestle. There was a large desk in the centre of the room which held an out-of-date computer monitor. The creepy thing about this room was he pictures on the walls.

If you looked up the word 'stalker' in the dictionary there would be a picture of Alviva right next to the definition. I was glad to see that none of the pictures were actually good or high quality . That would have lead me to far more heartbreak in one moment then i could probably handle . All around the room ere pictures or scenes of my previous relationships . There were also some childish drawings of a male and a woman but i wasn't completely sure who they were of as it was drawn so childishly.

I rolled my eyes and strolled further into the room, Yet Alviva was still stood at the window so i went to join her . "Greetings Alviva, how are you today?" she scoffed and looked at me annoyed , there was a storm happening in her gray eyes and she wasn't wearing her signature red dress but instead a light cream one. I suppose she never did adjust to the times too well.

"I'm doing okay thank you Chester , can't say much for Maddox though can we?" I narrowed my eyes at her and crossed my arms, leaning my back on the windowsill. "What do you know of Maddox's condition Alviva? " she huffed and started to walk around her room, picking up and examining things as she went "If i'm honest i don't know as much as i would have liked, I know that he was in the hospital and I know that you got him an owl to make him feel better. which is really adorable by the way, had no idea you were capable of that. would you mind telling me what happened?"

she batted her lashes at me as though it woudl get me to answer her immediately "If i'm honest i was hoping that you would know, i was there but i wasn't around when the accident happened. but I came here for more then just idle chit-chat." I motioned her to come towards me , which she did. She stood very uncomfortably close to me, so close i felt like passing out due to lack of fresh oxygen that didn't smell like roses and jasmine.

"My my Chester i thought that it was obvious. I don't know much about your curse myself, I may or may not have caused you never to have a successful relationship , though clearly that theory was blown right out of the window . it's a pretty colour though. "

I started to leave the house, with a few questions in mind and a few more photographs on my phone . Luckily for Amity, Alaric and I , Alvira wasn't the best at technology. I needed answers about the drawings and the pictures. and i knew that i wasn't going to get anymore details if i lingered around here.

Before i got tot he door of the room I heard Alviva whine "Leaving so soon? you have disappointed me Chester, you give up on getting answers as easily as you give up on love. I said that i wouldn't hurt Maddox, remember that? well I never said that he wouldn't get hurt."

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