chapter 24

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I was up rather early the next morning, I wasn't dreading the date, I don't think that I would ever dread a date with Maddox . Although I wasn't particularly fond of the fact that it was a double date, I hadn't been on a double date before. I know shocker I haven't done something before .I got dressed in some jeans and a thick maroon jumper, I had debated on whether or not to wear a bat but decided instead to put my hair into a bun. I wouldn't be skating fast but it could be rather annoying skating with hair in my face.

I did as promised and picked Maddox up early, though we spent a little while in his house, I purposefully arrived early to make sure that he wasn't panicking. Maddox didn't seem too bad but he explained that he preferred the cold so he wasn't getting too bothered by the date being in a skating rink.Maddox looked adorable in his long sleeved black thermal and blue shirt, he wore an adorable orange bobble hat which suited his fiery red hair .

 I would notice him from a mile away, which isn't a bad thing in this situation. I held Maddox's hand as we went from my car and faced the building "Are you ready to face the ice?" I asked him lightly, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

 Maddox gave me a light smile and started to swing our hands back and forth "I am as ready as I will ever be, just promise not to let me fall." I chuckled and put my arm around his shoulders and replied with "Maddox the only falling that you will do today is falling more and more in love with me."It took him a moment to process what I had said , soon enough his eyes went wide.

 We were just at the door of the place so he had something convenient to latch onto when he almost collapsed laughing. I was holding my stomach as our loud laughter filled the air. I was happy that this date started on a perfect note. Before we knew it we were sat next to the ice rink trying to put on ice skates. I had put mine on rather easily, Maddox seemed to be struggling though. I could tell by looking at his discarded shoes that they were definitely from the hospital. There was an insole with a raised bump in the middle to support the arch of his foot, The ankles were well supported by fabric and the fastenings were Velcro. 

I gave somewhat of a sympathetic smile as I knelt down in front of him "H-hey it's okay, you don't have to do it!" I looked up to his blushing face , he seemed rather embarrassed that he didn't know how to fasten laces. I quickly tied them before kissing his hands, which made the blush deepen.

 I stood up, still holding Maddox's hands "Okay, we have plenty of time so don't rush, lets see what you're like on your feet." I encouraged Maddox to stand carefully . He started by placing some pressure on the skates and my hands, I could feel him clinging onto me for dear life but it wasn't painful. I didn't need to know anything about Maddox to know that he preferred his right side, he placed a lot more pressure on his right foot , this was okay but nearly as soon as he tried to place some weight on his left foot his knee nearly gave out.

I held onto his forearms as he nearly lost his balance. We weren't even on the ice yet and he was struggling so much."Don't worry Maddox, this takes a lot of practice, try stepping forward heel first." I was being as patient and as gentle as I could with him. He looked rather scared at the moment , his face still held a small smile which appeared to grow wider each time he looked at me. He followed my advice and managed to take a few steps without falling ."I did it!" he whisper yelled excitedly, attempting not to draw attention.

 I wasn't sure if he could tell that we were getting a lot of attention already , Maddox didn't have his guide cane with him today, instead opting for a symbol cane. We had figured that it wasn't the safest thing to hold a cane whilst ice skating. We must have looked rather odd holding onto each other but no one came to us or talked loud enough for us to hear anything bad so I ignored the stares. I stood at the opening of the ice whilst still facing Maddox who was on the very solid and non-slippery ground , I had let go of his hand to easily get onto the ice and turn around, there was pop music playing in the background but that was also ignored as I had my eyes on Maddox and he had his big eyes focused on the ice under my feet.

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