chapter 32

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Okay if you're sensitive to speakingsof panic attacks then i would suggest not reading.....until you see a big gap or a line of capital letters , please enjoy !

It was late in the evening and myself and Maddox were lying on my bed, talking about absolutely nothing. I had my arm wrapped around his shoulder and he was snuggled into my chest. We had the television on but again we were ignoring it. We were talking about the different kinds of sweets and treats that we liked to eat "So you're telling me that you have never had churros?" Maddox asked me seriously with his mouth open in a bit of shock.

I chuckled and shook my head "No I haven't , I've heard that they are nice but I don't tend to travel outside of my comfort zone too much anymore" he crossed his arms and huffed . "Seriously chester you're missing out, next you'll tell me you are against pancakes. .don't tell me you're against pancakes" he almost begged with a cheeky smile and a nudge . I returned the nudge and replied "oh yes pancakes are the worst evil on the planet, how dare they call themselves cakes" Which caused him to chuckle.

It was silent for a moment before Maddox's breaths started to get more and more heavy . I looked at him strangely, it seemed very sudden and odd. His eyes were more unfocused then they usually are and eh was shaking and trembling "Maddox are you alright? what's wrong? there's no need to be panicked..." He flung himself further down the bed and was lying down . I couldn't do much it would seem but talk and try to calm him down. I had no idea what was happening or what brought it on.

He didn't really seem completely with me yet , he was sticking his tongue out in fear and asking me if it was alright. He said the nurse told him to do it and that he was scared of the world going black again. Once he was somewhat calmed down he hugged me


"This isn't going to work chester." My heart froze in my chest as I looked at him sadly "What's not going to work? Maddox please don't tell me... " I trailed off at the end, I thought that we were going to get through this together. Maddox seemed so happy and determined that we could make our relationship work , it wasn't too long ago that he said that he loved me and I hoped that feeling didn't just vanish in the small amount of time. We had gotten through panic attacks before so this time wouldn't have been much of a difference.

"This,'s not going to be like this forever chester! My emotions will get the better of me and I will eff t all up like I usually do . Or one day you will suddenly stop talking to me like all of my so called friends did. I could never live a happy life with someone , never mind someone who is currently a rich immortal who is incredibly handsome and can't step two feet into public without someone checking you out . I know how beautiful you are and I don't deserve that because I can't see it. "

He started to pick his things up and pack his bag , with every step he took my heart broke more and more I don't know why it was hurting this much, I was used to it by now wasn't I? people rejecting me or leaving me. It should effect me as much as it did at this moment. I just thought that this time it would be different. I followed him out of my house and he stood on my doorstep with tears in his eyes .

"Chester you are the greatest thing that has happened to me and the greatest thing that would ever happen , I do love you but it won't work ." He gave me a kiss on the cheeks and started to run into the rain. I tried to start running after him but I gave up as he quickly went out of sight. I would probably visit or phone him tomorrow , i'll give him a bit of space.

I got back to my bedroom after taking note of the mud on the floor, remind myself to clean that up in the morning. I went up stairs to my room and saw the light was turned off. I sighed in expectancy of smelling the sweet unwanted scent of jasmine and roses but alas I smelt no such thing. The scent that came to my nose was rather different. It smelt like flowers yes but these flowers are different. The smell was similar to flowers which were dead or pressed.

I had smelt this before , in Maddox's room there was a bottle labelled 'death and decay' and it smelt rather similar to this . Perhaps he was wearing the oil and I didn't notice anything? That thought was immediately scraped from my mind when I saw other people in the room. I couldn't see much of their outline but they were definitely male.

I quickly turned the light on to see people who I didn't think that I would ever see again. All the ghosts from my past were literally here standing around my bedroom were my five previous relationships or well my previous crushes ...considering some of them didn't get as far as a relationship.

they all looked very sinister and intimidating standing around my room almost looking like statues. That was before mark started to walk towards and around me. He didn't say anything, none of them did all they did was stand whilst mark circled me. When he was behind me he leaned down and whispered in my ear "You've lost another chance Chester, can you really afford to live another hundred years? hmm" he walked back around and stood once again where he was in the first place .

Malcolm smiled evilly and continued "yes chester can your sanity handle it? another hundred years being as lonely as the past seven hundred."

Martin smirked and crossed his arms "Yeah you haven't done very well for yourself have you? nothing much has changed over the years"

I was desperately trying to stop their words from entering my head and beign processed into thoughts. They all started moving and talking -except for Morien- and they all started walking towards me with rather awful expressions. I was backing away, cursing Alviva for the spell that she must have put on me . I heard a feminine laugh echo through the house as I hit the wall and slid down it. With the ghosts on top of me practically.

A shriek started to run through the house bringing everyone's attention to my bedside table where I suddenly saw my alarm clock.

I bolted up with ringing in my ears . I frantically looked around my bright bedroom before falling backwards and wiping the tears from my face . Monday , time for university .

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