Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Behind Dave, came one of the most beautiful beings that I've ever seen in my lifetime .he was quite short, around a foot shorter than myself .he was healthy looking, as though he takes very good care of himself, yet is not one of those who focus their world around fitness, those who put fitness into their daily life-his mane of fire looked untameable as it elegantly swayed as he moved, looking like a flame as it stood on his head, pointing in all directions. he was pale but he was no paler than me. His skin was painted with delicate orange freckles. His facial features were quite baby-like, he had an adorable button nose with plump, pink lips. he wore an oversized striped black and white jumper which exposed his left shoulder, with the strap of his bag holding the other side up, black jeans covered his legs and were accompanied with brown combat boots, I liked his style. It was hard to tell if he was fashion conscious or if he was just dressing for comfort. It looked comfortable. I didn't fail to notice that a leather bracelet adorned his right wrist, holding charms which were far away to make out correctly.

What's wrong with him? There is always something wrong with them. They can't help it. Of course, they can't the bitter taste of a curse is sweet for none who tastes it. His name begins with an "M", I can predict that as it is also the letter, which is inked into my palm, it looks like a "W" to most who see it, but it is definitely an 'M'. It was then I noticed that his glassy crystal optics seemed to wander around the room with no set intentions, no regard to what he was looking at. My Gaze drifted to the door where he had just entered and there stood a white, almost new looking, guide cane.

He's blind...That's a new one. I wouldn't particularly say that this was something 'wrong' with him to be honest, It's quite surprising. Perhaps I'm lucky this time, I'm sure that I'll be able to get to know him and adapt my behaviour to be considerate of him. By his grip on his bag and the nervous twiddling of his thumbs it seems that this may be more challenging than what some people may make it out to be, he's nervous, unsocial, someone who comes to university for the qualification and not to have the 'prime student experience' like most of the other students. I'm determined to get to know him, not that I've found him I can't lose him, he's not like the other ones whom I've had to try and connect with, he's different to them. In this case, it would be my fault if I fail. That's something I'm fantastic at, failing. I've done it many, many times and I'm quite an expert in the field of disappointment and failure. Sometimes I think I'm just unlucky and then I kick myself and remember that it's the laws of attraction and I don't deserve love or happiness, and then I kick myself again and the thoughts go back to the laws of attraction. For those who don't know the laws of attraction is basically a Frisbee, send out good vibes and good things will come. For me however I may as well be a war siren, sending out noises of distress and causing destruction.

"Hola la clase" Sang Dave as he addressed the contents of the room "This is a mister Maddox Miller and he'll be joining us for the rest of the course!" His enthusiasm dripped on every word with a massively cheesy smile on his face. Maddox told you it's begin with an 'M'. Maddox stayed stood at his side as he held his arm around him, I presume this is because he couldn't see too well. His cheeks were dusted pink with embarrassment at the very few but powerful stares that he was being pelted with, I'm not embarrassed to say that I was one of them. he was directed to a seat right beside me, thank you fate now I can mess up even quicker. I couldn't concentrate throughout the entirety of the lecture, my focus was completely on Maddox, his laptop was stationed in front of him, and he was one of the fastest typists I've ever seen. His pale hands glided over the keys as he wrote notes. I assume that he had some sort of text-to-speech programs installed on the device. I was getting a little bit anxious at the end of the four hours; we're going to be going onto phonemes on Thursday. For those who don't know what phonemes are it's kind of like syllables and there are around 44 of them, it's the break-down of speech and the symbols are sometimes quite difficult to remember. The reason that I'm anxious is that I'll probably need to talk more with Maddox, it's not like I've talked to him before but still.

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