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   Name: Y/N Crimson Fall

    Age: 18

   Appearance: You have blood-red eyes, that you hide behind a black wrap, you wear a red tank top, underneath a black and red-trimmed leather jacket, black pants, and black combat boots.


   Bloody Rose:

   It's a double-barreled Revolver with infinite ammo, it also has Ruby's name carved into the handle.

   A gift from Ruby after your first "Date."

   Pain and Remorse:

    Twin Dust Infused Black and Red Gauntlets given to you by Salem


  Crimson Sight: able to see no matter the restrictions (i.e. the black wrap on your eyes) painted in a blood-like silhouette.  It also allows you to sense souls and auras.

  Quicksilver: You are able to slow time. (This is your Semblance, it will be unlocked later)

    Red Eyes (all these abilities only activate under the effects of Crimson Rage)
    Crimson Rage: (your trump card)  All of your other abilities become significantly stronger, but you lose control of yourself, becoming a slave to your instincts.

     Distilled Dread : (this ability is passive, you have no control over it) Anyone who meets your eyes feels an instant sense of dread and fear, but has to be direct eye contact, causing them to Hyperventilate, and feel as if the world is bearing down on them, as well as causing unbearable paranoia that can last for hours after initial contact.

Aura Color: Red (when calm) Black and Red (under the effects of Crimson Rage)


  Ruby Rose:
    Role: Girlfriend (future wifey)

    Race: Human
    Personality: basically like herself from the show, but more depressed.... a lot more depressed. 
      Self Harms, and constantly contemplates suicide.

    Age: 18 (for legal and moral reasons)

  Velvet Scarletinia:

      Role: Girlfriend (another future wifey)

      Race: Rabbit Faunus

          Age: 22 (ages have been adjusted for Ruby's age bump up)

       Personality: sad, lonely, and isolated.  That is until she meets you, then she's happy, joyful, and optimistic.


    Pyrrah Nikos:
     Race: Human

     Age: 21

     Personality: incredibly sweet and optimistic, loves her harem-mates like sisters, and always pushes everyone to be the best they can be.

    Role: Girlfriend (future wifey)

    Blake Belladonna:

   Role: Girlfriend (Future Wifey)

Age: 23

    Race: Black Cat Faunus

    Personality:  kind and compassionate, but aloof.  Hates it when anyone but you and her harem-mates touches or talks about her ears.  Lovable Egghead Bookworm.  


      Race: Mute Human

      Age: 24

       Role: girlfriend (future wifey)

      Personality: mischievous but caring.  Hates it when anyone brings up the fact that she talks with signs, or how she changes the words the signs by flipping them ... or where she keeps them.

   Don't think I didn't catch your hints Kai, you're the reason I added Neo.

    Well, that and she's kinda cute  >\\\<  hrmph!


   Those are the five love interests, no more, no less

    Cinder Fall:

     Race: Human

     Age: 34

      Role: Mother (sorta)

      Personality: Protective of you and your girlfriends (once she accepts them), cold and calculative, intelligent, and secretly a big softy.


     Race: Immortal

      Role: Mentor

       Age: Old (tch)

       Personality: usually cold on the surface, but somewhat kind towards you and those in her inner circle. 

       Doesn't actually want to level Remnant and kill everything within it, but wants to help humanity rise above its shackles, becoming as great as she knows we can be.

       Hates Ozpin for spreading lies about her.

        I wanted to make something a little more serious, but with a more casual and laid-back writing style, that way I wouldn't get burnt out quickly.  So, wala!  A new steaming pile of shit!

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