Pain and Remorse

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Y/N P.O.V.

Salem: So? What do you say, wanna make a deal with the Devil?

  Y/n: You make it sound sexier than it really is.

  Another round of melodic laughter left Salem's throat.

  Salem: Aren't you a little young to be talking like that?

  Y/n: Bitch I'm 18!

  Salem: mmmm... so it seems.

  Oh shit, thirsty cougar.  BAD TOUCH BAD TOUCH!

Y/N: but to answer your question, yes, I'm in.

  Salem: wonderful, Cinder will be the one giving you most of your orders, but for right now, I need you to continue on with your studies.

  Salem wore a happy smile, not an evil "you fool" kind of happy, but a genuinely happy smile.

  This is so wierd.

  Y/n: I'm guessing you want a man on the inside?

  Salem nodded.

  Y/n: cool, I'll keep you posted.

  Salem: I think you'll more than "fit in" around here. Oh, and one more thing, these will prove much more useful to you than I.

  Salem held out a black wooden box.  Inside were two black metal gauntlets. The gaunlets themselves were made of individual segments of ebony medal, ringed in a crimson horn-like material.  Underneath the plates were a ebony metal mesh, reinforced with apoxy.  They also glinted with a darkened sheen.

Taking both gauntlets in hand, you gently equipped them, they instantly shrunk and bent to perfectly fit your hands and forearms.

  Y/n: woah.

  Salem: i take it that you like them?  They have yet to be named, so i leave that to you.

  Y/n: Pain and Remorse...

  Salem chuckled.

  Salem: Fitting, as any injury's caused by these gauntlets will cause an instant necrosis effect.  There are also slots in the back most plates for inserting elemental dust crystals.  Use them wisely. Or don't, I don't really care.

  Y/n: Thank you Salem.

  Salem nodded and gestured for you to leave.

  Doing as you were told, you left the room, heading back to Beacon.

  What the hell is wrong with me?  I've gotten myself into some deep shit, and I have no way to dig myself out.

  You sighed.

Well, no use dwelling on it now.

  You made it to Beacon, the campus felt cold and dead, which was wierd.  No one was around either.

  What the hell?

  You suddenly felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, ducking down you barely dodged a grey object that was aimed at your head.

  ???: you dodged it, good job!

  You know that voice!

  Y/n: Pyrrah!?

  Pyrrah: sorry about the sneak attack, I just thought it was high time we got around to training.  Velvet offered to help too.

  Velvet: I-I'll do my best, I'm not the best instructor.

  You turned around and saw Pyrrah and Velvet holding synthetic swords, and wearing training gear.  At Pyrrah's side sat another set of training gear.

  Pyrrah: Put em on, you'll need em.

  I'm fucked.

  (Timeskip Brought to you by Chibi Y/n getting his ass kicked by a Chibi Pyrrah and Velvet using rubber leeks)

  You flopped down on your bed, every muscle pulsating in agony.  Velvet and Ruby snuggled up into your chest, attempting to alleviate some of your pain.

  Pyrrah: the first time is always the most painful, but don't worry, you'll get used to it... probably.

  Y/n: fuck..... you.... she-beast....

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