Guess I'm a Criminal Now?

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I've been meaning to add another girl to the harem, only one, and I was wondering if you'd like my to add Lady Death?

  Here I am, a freak of nature, having Ice Cream with a beautiful young woman.  Sweet Lord am I the luckiest man alive? 

  Y/n: So what is your occupation?

  Smooth, really fucking smooth.

  Neo: Smuggler, Bodyguard, Professional Theif, Amatuer Bounty Hunter, Professional Bachelorette, Part Time Faunus Rights Activist, ect...

  Y/n: you're pretty open about your criminal background, Eh?

  Neo: I'm actually here to recruit you.

  Y/n: You sly dog, so you actively sought me out didn't you?

  Neo nodded her head with a smug smile.

  Y/n: awe, here I thought this was a real date.

  Neo blushed and timidly typed on her scroll.

  Neo: it could still be a date, we don't have to meet my boss for another hour or two.

  Y/n: Torchwick?

  Shit, shouldn't have said that.

  Neo's eyes widened in surprise, amd she eyed you cautiously.

  Neo: he's one of my bosses, but how did you know that?

  C'mon, think of a cover story.

  Y/n: I honestly just guessed, he seems to be the current top dog of he criminal underworld, so I figured you'd be working for him.

  Neo seemed to mull over what you said, before shaking her head.

  Neo: fair enough.

  Y/n: I think the better question is, what do you want with me?

  Neo: my bosses have been observing the students of Beacon, trying to wittle out the next recruits for our cause, you're at the top of their hire list.

  Y/n: why?  I'm just a normal teenager, me getting into Beacon was a mistake.

  Neo: you don't actually believe that do you?  With your eyes and your abilities, you could very well be unstoppable.  Yes you need better combat training and experience, but with enough time and effort, you could reach your full potentialYou're also a pretty decent lier, if I wasn't so good at my job I may not have figured you out.

  Y/n: look I-

  Neo cut you off with a wave of her hand, and a small smile.

  Neo: your reasons for lying to me are your own, I'm not gonna pry, that's my bosses job, besides, we're on a date, we can discuss business later.

  Y/n: Oh ho ho ho~ so this is a date?

  Neo bashfully nodded.

  Neo: I needed some RNR anyway, after our Ice Cream, we're going to the arcade, I know how to cheat all those hunks-of-junk.

  Cute, sweet, dangerous, AND LIKES VIDEO GAMES?  Houston, we have no problems.

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