First Day of School/ Velvet Joins the Party

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  You laid in your bed, it was early, too early to get up, and definitely too early to stop cuddling Ruby.  Looking down at her, you noticed her tank top strap had slid down her arm, revealing a hot pink bra strap.

  Pink huh?  I always thought she was more of a black or blue kind of girl.

  Looking down at her face, you noticed she was tensing up.

  Another nightmare, poor girl, al, that pain wrapped up inside that cute Lil head of hers.

  Without thinking you started to stroke Ruby's cheek, causing her to stirr from her slumber.

  Ruby: good morning Y/n.

  She let out an adorable yawn and stretch.

  Y/n: morning sleeping beauty.

  Ruby: I'm not beautiful....

  You place a hand on Ruby's cheek, forcing her to meet your gaze.

  Y/n: Oh really now?  Because you look absolutely drop dead gorgeous to me.

  Ruby's face turned red, and she moved to jump out of the bed, but before she could, you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her into your chest.

  Y/n: where exactly do you think you're going?

  Ruby: b-bathroom...

  Y/n: nah.

  Ruby: B-but I have to pee...

  Y/n: and I can't spend one second in this bed without my beautiful silver eyed princess.

  Ruby: t-then what am I going to do?

  Y/n: How bad do you need to go?


  You sighed.

  Y/n: I guess I'll have to come with you.

  Ruby: WITH ME!? B-but I'm a girl... and you're a...

  So innocent, I love it.

  Y/n: alright fine, straight to the bathroom, then straight back into my arms.

  You let Ruby go, and she instantly ran off to the bathroom.  Her face was practically glowing red and pink at that point.  Sure enough, after she was done, she came back and curled up in your arms, her face still glowing red.

  Y/n: good girl.

  You pet her head, speaking to her sarcastically.  Oddly enough, she really seemed to enjoy it.

  Y/n: we should start getting up, PYRRAH AND BLAKE! YOU AWAKE?

  All you got in return were angry, sleepy groans.

  Y/n: cmon, put some heart into it.

  Blake: bite me.

  Y/n: gladly.

  Pyrrah and Blake sat up in their beds, their hair complete messes.

  Y/n: looking as radiant as ever ladies.

  Blake rolled her eyes at your flirtatious joke, and Pyrrah giggled.

  Blake: you two seem comfy.

  Y/n: veeeerry, you're welcome to join Pretty Kitty.

  Blake rolled her eyes again, but you noticed her smile was a but more sincere, and she had a faint blush on her face.

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