That's.... Different

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Y/N P.O.V.

Here you are, at another one of Salem's little club meetings, waiting for Torchwick and Taurus. 

It's been three hours, and you're less than pleased, a low growl escaping your throat.

Salem: Be still my dear, patience is a useful tool.

  Y/n: It'd be fucking nice if they decided to show up on time.

  Salem chuckled, and patted her lap, gesturing you to sit down next to her.  Not wanting to anger the immortal witch, you obliged, sitting down on the floor by her legs.  Salem placed a hand on the side of your head, forcefully placing it on her lap, stroking your hair gently.

  Salem: See, isn't that much better?

  Y/n: .... yeah.

  Salem: Don't Judge Roman or Artemis too harshly, they tend to be very busy people.

  Artemis?  Who the hell is Artemis?

  As if as an answer from the gods, the doors opened, and in walked two people.  Roman, and a buxom red haired woman in a black and red, thigh cut kimono.  Her hair was brushed backwards, cascading down her back like a waterfall, over her eyes she wore a small Grimm mask.  Her plump, full lips painted a deep blood red.

  Wait a minute.... Grimm mask, horns, red hair, katana... holy shit Adam Taurus is a she.

  Dick: Now that's what I call child bearing hips.

  Y/n: What the fuck, that used to be a dude.

  Dick: Shut up, I do what I want.

  Artemis: what are you gawking at human?

  Y/n: Your gorgeous face.

What the fuck mouth?

Brain: what, you were thinking it.

  Artemis is taken aback, a deep blush crossing her cheeks.

  Artemis: s-shut up!

  Salem: Ara ara, you work fast lady killer.

  Y/n: it just... slipped out.

  Roman: that's what she said.

  Artemis: TORCHWICK!

  Roman: what?

  Salem: children children, let us calm down, we still have business to discuss, Y/n, be sure to familiarize yourself with Artemis and Roman, you'll be working with them quite often.

  Y/n: yes Ma'am.

  Salem: Ma'am? Stop it, you'll make me feel old.

  Roman: Aren't you several thousand years o-

Roman was cut off by Salem casting him a death glare.

  Salem: Now, on to planning, Roman, how has your aquiesition of dust been fairing?

  Roman: well enough, but turning over small dust shops is making progress slow.

  Artemis: why not hit the Schnees?

  Y/n: Oh, I like that plan.

  Artemis: not a fan of theirs?

  Y/n: fucking hate them, especially the current Heiress, fucking bitch Wiess.

  Artemis: you know, you not all that bad...... for a human.

  Y/n: thanks beautiful.

  You know what, you win.  She's hot.

  Dick: fuck yeah!

  Artemis blushed again, but not as much as last time, she even smiled, a little bit.

  Salem: I am of a mind with you Roman, progress is slow, but we can't risk drawing too much attention, Ozpin has too much influence at the moment, one wrong move, and we're doomed.

  Roman: fine.

  Salem and the others continued to talk, but you mostly drowned them out, it wasn't all that important anyway.  Salem is surprisingly good with her hands, every movement sending a sensation of bliss down your spine.

  Soon, the meeting was over, and you were ushered out.

  Things are getting interesting.

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