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  Y/n P.O.V.

    Y/n: So you hate it when people worship the ground you walk upon?

   Pyrrah: yeah, the do it because I won a tournament, or something.

   Y/n: Are you sure it's not because you're drop gorgeous?

   Pyrrah's face turned completely red, and she started studdering.

   Y/n: besides, I'm sure I could take you.

   Pyrrah: o-oh yeah?

   Y/n: no, I have no proper training. I'd get my ass kicked.

   Pyrrah: WHAT!?  How did you even get into Beacon?

  Y/n: I guess I was in the right place at the right time, also, I like to think I have a heart of gold.

  Pyrrah started fidgeting with her fingers.

  Pyrrah: I-I could.... you know... help you, I mean, if you'd.... like that.

  Y/n: really? That's so awesome, thanks Pyrrah!

  Pyrrah rubbed her arm, a cute little smile on her lips.

  Pyrrah: oh... it's nothing, I'm happy to help out my partner.

  Y/n: seriously P, thanks.

  You and Pyrrah soon made it to the pedestals, Ruby and Blake were there too.

  Y/n: Ruby! And friend!

  Ruby ran towards you, her arms held wide, and glomped the heck outta you.

  Blake: ew, public shows of affection.

  Despite her negative words Blake held a small smile.

  Pyrrah: which ones should we pick?


  Pyrrah giggled into her hand.

  Pyrrah: you're so goofy! 

  She wants the D.

  You were interrupted by a mighty roar.


  Following Ruby's lead, you four ran off, only to hear the roar die out.  Turning around you saw Yang with her arm through the giant birds chest. 

  Wow, way to show us up.

  Time skip brought to you by Chibi Salem rubbing a Chibi Y/n's head.

  Ozprick: Next up, Wiess, Cardin, Yang, and Jaune, from this day forward, you shall be called WCYJ, lead by Wiess.

  Not very creative.

  Ozprick: finally, and most certainly least, Y/n Crimson, Ruby Rose, Pyrrah Nikos, and Blake Belladonna, you shall now be known as team CRPB, lead by, I don't know, it's late, uh... Y/n or whatever.


  Time skip brought to you by Ruby getting head rubs from Y/n.

  You laid down in your bed and stared at the ceiling.

  Blake: we should probably lay down some ground rules.

  Pyrrah: like what.

  Blake: changing arrangements, like, clothing changing.

  Y/n: Oh right, I'm the only guy, oh well, I'll use the bathroom down the hall.

  Pyrrah: are you sure?

  Y/n: yeah, and I'll be sure to knock when I enter, lest I catch one of you in the buff.

  Ruby: I wouldn't mind you seeing me naked....

  Pyrrah: What was that Ruby?

  Ruby: >////< N-NOTHING!

  I've got a good feeling feeling about this, four cute girls, and a nice comfy bed, things are looking good.

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