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  Dear Diary, today I died, the end.

   But in all seriousness, I did die, had my head cut clean off by a falling aluminum sheet.  Sucks, really it does.  Now I'm sitting on a grey couch, in front of a bald man with a long white beard made of clouds.  He was sipping a cup of green tea.

   ???: So boy, how are you feeling.

   Y/n: I'm dead.

   The man started laughing.

   ???:  It's not all bad Y/n.

   Y/n: How do you know my name?

   ???: I'm God ya dingus.

   Y/n: God?

  God: *nodding* yep, and I have good news, you're getting a second chance.

  Y/n:  why?

  God: you see my son, you aren't supposed to be dead... there was a mix-up on Death's part, she says she's sorry btw.

  Y/n: So I get to go home?

  God: Nope, but I can send you to any world you choose.  I'll even though in God tier power too, the fake gods, not me levels, that'd be stupid.

  Y/n: Oh god, this Cliche.  Is the Author brain dead or something?  Though it would be cool to go to Remnant, with edgy eye powers, and the ability to slow time.

   God: so you wish it, so it shall be, but I must warn you, Remnant isn't anything like the show, bye!

  Wait what?

  Before you could question him, you were enveloped in a blinding dark aura and blacked out.

  You awoke in a dark alley, a tight feeling around your face, reaching up, you noticed it was a black cloth, wrapped around your head.

  God: I recommend leaving that on, you don't have full control of your eyes yet, and you could hurt someone.

  Y/n: thanks for the heads up.

  God: Don't mention it boyo!  Now, this is the last time I will contact you, so, good luck.  You'll need it.

  Looking around, you noticed that you could still see, though the world appeared to be painted, in what looked like blood.

  Y/n: Me and my fucking sarcastic jokes, oh well, could be useful.

  You wandered around the area, trying to get your bearings.

  What are my powers anyway?  What is the limit of my abilities?  Guess I'll find out later.

Y/n: Why can't my life ever be simple? For once?

  Eventually, you came across a group of three Faunus, who gave you weird looks.

  Deer Faunus: you lost human?

  You sighed shamefully

  Y/n: yeah, can you help me?

  Dog Faunus: huh? A human that doesn't think himself above us? Sure, we got nothing better to do.

  Deer Faunus: Are you blind?

  Her voice was so tender, so caring.

  You were about to respond but remembered God's words, however cheeky they were. 

  "Remnant isn't anything like the show."

  I should be careful who I trust, it appears Faunus are still discriminated against, not that that's a good thing, but it's something familiar.  Maybe I should go along with it?  Act blind?  What do I have to lose.

Crimson Eyed Beast ( RWBY Harem x Overpowered Male Reader) (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now