Old Memories and A New Friend

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  Y/n P.O.V.

  Here I am, walking down the streets of Vale.  Why you might ask?  Shit if I know.  The girls needed new bras or something.

  Y/n: where are we going?

  Pyrrah: We're going clothes shopping!

  Y/n: in that case, I'll make myself scarce, you girls have fun trying on lingerie or whatever it is you girls like.

  Blake giggled, but upon noticing everyone looking at her with a smirk, flipped her hair and looked away with a huff.

  Y/n: peace out yall! I'm gonna go get some ice cream!

  Blake: have fun with your edible diabetes.

  Y/n: I will beautiful, be safe, Pyrrah, you're in charge until I get back.

  Ruby: but I wanted to be in charge!

  Y/n: sorry Rubes, but Pyrrah is just so much more mature than us lowly peasants, praise be to the queen!

  Pyrrah: get out of here!

  Now finally alone with your thoughts, the smile you bore before melted to a sour grimace. 

  Everything is so wrong, I know my fake happiness and positivity is helping Ruby, as her smile is much more genuine now, but what happens when she realizes I'm just as messed up?  For God's sake my parents are dead, my little brother's dead, my big sister dead, my aunt and uncle, dead as hell.  I'm a picture perfect representation of a hypocrite.  Telling Ruby to be happy while I myself am depressed as hell...  I wonder what could have been done differently that night...

  *Flash Back*

  There you sat, seven year old Y/n, on a couch sandwiched between your Older Sister, Sheila, and your Younger
Brother William, or Dick for short.  Across from you sat your parents, your Mother Katerina, and your Father John. Well, Step Father, actually.  Next to them sat your Aunt and Uncle, Tammy and Butch, they were talking about normal adult things, like the weather, and politics.  Neither of which you could understand.

  Sheila and Dick were arguing, well bickering more like it.  You remember being annoyed at the time, but now you wish you could hear their voices one last time.  It's funny how time can warp and destroy old memories.  You can't even remember what they sounded like.

  It was at this point that it started, the smell of smoke and gasoline.  A group of drunks had decided to set your house on fire, baracading the exits.  Even to this day they claim to "not know what came over them."  How do you burn a house to the ground, killing almost everyone within it, and claim to not remember why?

  Your parents had tried to break through the doors of the house, but where unsuccessful, all the while the four men's almost demonic laughter echoing in your ears.  Soon the flames started to encroach on the inside of the house.  The first to die was your Aunt, she had inhaled too much smoke, and fell unconscious, down a flight of stairs into the flames.  Your Uncles cries still haunt you, he cried, amd no one could help him.  Soon the floor gave way, and Butch once again joined his wife.  Your parents held you and your siblings, the flames closing in around you.  John was the first to catch fire, then your Mother, then Sheila, then Dick, and finally you.  They died in front of you.  In a last ditch effort to survive, you threw yourself from a window, breaking what bones you had left.

  Emergency Services arrived on the scene shortly after you hit the ground, you were barely alive at this point, gasping for breath, and flailing, screaming with your torn and burned vocal cords for help.  The Paramedics could barely bring themselves to look at you.  One of them, a woman, fainted after spewing her dinner all over your front yard.  You were burnt to the bone, covered in blood and char.  Holding on to life with nothing but your utter refusal to die.

  It took seventy-six surgeries, sixty-two skin grafts, and fourty liters of morphine to bring you back to stability.  But even then, the doctor said you'd never be the same again, but you now realise he wasn't talking about your physicality.  Even to this day, you can't stand the mere concept of fire.  Being near a source of heat causes you to fall into a panic attack.

  *Snap Back to Reality*

  You were brought out of your mind by a small, young, woman waving her hand in your face.  Polycromatic Eyes framed by pink and brown hair, stared up at you, concerned.

   NEO!? Shit.

  She held up a pad of paper, the words "are you okay" were written on it.

  Maybe she's nice in this universe.  God that'd be wacky, the villains are the good guys, how cliche would that be?

  Y/n: yeah I'm fine, just lost in thought.

  Neo: I know what'll cheer you up!

  Y/n: and what would that be?


  Of course, how convenient.

  Y/n: sure, I was going that way anyhow.

  Neo jumped up and down giddily, clapping her hands.

  Neo: You're paying right?

  Y/n: I'd never make a lady pay, I'm a gentleman.

  Neo blushed and smiled happily at you.

  Neo: Bout' time I met a real man.

Neo looped her arm with your own, tugging you along and pointing at a white building down the street.

Neo: Frosty's sells the best ice cream in Vale, trust me, I've tried them all.

Y/n: then I shall take your word for it, I can't be long, my teammates will be looking for me.

  Neo: Beacon?

  Y/n: young, beautiful, witty, has good taste, AND psychic?  You're turning out to be quite the catch.

  Neo let out a silent giggle.

  So she really can't speak, I always thought they hust couldn't find the right voice actress for her.

  Neo: do you like it?

  Y/n: honestly?

  Neo replied with a nod and a coy smile.

  Y/n: I hate it, I love my teammates, but I hate Beacon, it doesn't stand for what it should.

  Neo seemed surprised, but not unpleasantly so, impressed even.

  Neo: if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm all ears.

  Y/n: I must warn you, I might actually take you up on that offer.

  Again, Neo silently giggled.  It was awfully adorable.  Especially considering she was about 4'11.  To put that in perspective, Ruby is 5'2, Pyrrah is 5'8, Blake is 5'6, and you are 6'2.  So she looks pretty small in comparison.  But damn if she ain't adorable all the same.

  I'm starting to like her more and more....


  Authors Note:

  Alright Gentlemen, the happy chapters are over, from now on, shits hitting the fan.  That doesn't mean there will be no more happy chapters/ heartwarming Moments, but the main characters pain and hatred is starting to boil, soon it'll boil over, and things will start to blow up. 

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