Growing Closer

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  Y/n P.O.V.

  Pyrrah:  so Y/n, what kind of combat experience do you have.

  Y/n: The fight last night was probably one of the only violent encounters I've been in.

  Blake: you got into a fight last night?  Are you okay?

  Ruby looked at you with concerned eyes.

  Y/n: yes i did, and yeah I am.

  Pyrrah: what provoked the fight?

  Y/n: me?  Well, it's complicated.

  Blake closed her book and set it aside.

  Blake: What happened?

  You let out a tired sigh.

  Y/n: They were pushing around and tormenting a defenseless Faunus girl, so I intervened, got my ass kicked, but then plot induced stupidity happened and they ran off.

  Pyrrah: if she goes here, I doubt she's defenseless.

  Y/n: did you not hear the part about her being a Faunus?  If she defended herself, she could have gotten expelled, it's obvious Ozprick doesn't care for Faunus... asshole.

  You looked over to see Blake giving you a happy smile.

   Blake: It's good to see you're not close minded.

  Y/n: we're all people Blake, no matter if we have horns.... or adorable black cat ears.

  Blake had a look of terror on her face.

  You gave Blake a knowing look and a reassuring smile.  This caused her to visually relax and give you an appreciative smile.

  Pyrrah: It's so nice to see that you have such a big heart, but you should be more careful, I'd hate to loose you.

  Pyrrah suddenly turned red.

  Pyrrah: AS A FRIEND... I-I...

  Y/n: awe, and here I thought we'd make a cute couple.

  Pyrrah turned even redder.  You and Blake laughed.
  Ruby on the other hand looked really down.

  Y/n:  hey Rubes, quit being all pouty, you know I would never replace you.

  Ruby looked at you surprised, a faint blush on her cheeks.

  Ruby: H-he did you...

  Y/n: I know you Ruby, I know that look, and I know how you think.

  You then moved over slightly, and patted the empty space in your bed.

  Y/n: I also noticed last night that you have terrible nightmares. So come on over here and join me.

  Ruby did not question you, she simply stood, straightened up her pajamas, and laid down next to you.  Pyrrah looked incredibly jealous.

  Soon my sweet, you'll get your turn soon. 

  You looked down at Ruby, taking in her form, her scent, and even her breathing.  She was resting peacefully curled up next to you, looking as cute as a newborn puppy.
  God, she smells roses, she's really soft too.

  You suddenly noticed the scars covering her back through her tank top.

  Y/n: poor thing...

  Ruby: w-what?

  You began to trace an abnormally large scar on her shoulder.

  Y/n: did your father do this?

  Ruby: y-yeah... nearly killed me...

  Y/n: I'm going to strangle that bastard.

  Pyrrah: what are you two talking about.

  Y/n: Ruby's father has issues, issues he refuses to deal with.  So instead he beats his daughter.

  Blake: that monster...

  Ruby nuzzled closer into your chest, letting out a muffled whimper.

  Y/n: Don't worry Rubes, I'm here, I'll always be here for you.

  You wrapped your arms around her, her rose like scent flooding your nostrils.

  Y/n: I'll die before I let anything hurt you again.

  Ruby's arms tightened around you.

  Pyrrah: I see now why you're so protective of her.  You truly do have a heart of gold don't You?

  Y/n: I only have so much of it to give out, so don't go thinking you can use me to get rich.

  You gave Pyrrah a cheeky grin, she giggled in response.

  Y/n: alright people, we need to get some rest, school starts tomorrow, and we gotta be up early.  We'll work on unpacking after classes.

  Blake gave you a sarcastic salute.

  Blake: yes sir.

  Y/n: gnight my lovelies.

  Pyrrah, Ruby, and Blake: Gnight Y/n.

  I think I'm gonna like this.

  Alright, as a quick aside, I'm gonna try to remain in the readers P.O.V., AND if I upload a short chapter, expect another to be uploaded the same day.

  P.S.  I enjoy getting comments and interacting with readers, so please, for all that is unholy, leave me comments.

  P.P.S Pyrrah is best girl.... let the rage war commence.

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