Roses Blossoming

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Y/N P.O.V.

  You were making your way back to Beacon, it was still midday, but you felt the need to take a nap.  Hopefully none of the girls are there at the moment, I would really enjoy a nice evenings rest without Pyrrah being heart attack inducingly sweet, Ruby being human diabetes, Velvet being a cheeky minx, or Blake... being a tsundere.  A nice, CALM, afternoon.

  But you're a protagonist, don't you dare get your hopes up.

  You passed through one of the many corridors of Beacon Academy, coming across Yang and Weiss.  Yang was sitting with her legs wide open, showing off her black g-string thong, and Weiss... was being snooty?  She has her nose turned up so much she could probably smell her own ass.  Yang cast you a flirtatious wink, you flipped her off. 

  Soon you made it to your dorm, giving a cautionary knock  and getting no response, you opened the door.... only to find Ruby half naked on your bed shaving her legs.  She was wearing nothing but a pair of black panties, and a black lacy bra.  She was also wearing headphones, which explains why she didn't respond when you knocked.

  Y/n: look at those thighs and hips... hot damn.

  While it's true Ruby was lacking in the bust department, sporting a modest C-Cup, she more than made up for it with her WIDE hips and plump thighs.

  You also notice that she's covered in scars.

  Y/n: What the hell am I doing!?  I need to get out of here before she thinks I'm peeping on her.

  You turn around, and with the grace of an obese hippo.... fell flat on your face, startling Ruby.

  Ruby: Y-Y/N! What are you doing here!?

  Y/n: I was coming back to the dorm to nap for a bit, I'm so sorry I tried knocking but you didn't respond.

  Ruby: I-I don't mind you seeing me like this.

  Her voice was quiet and meek, you could barely hear her, but what you did hear you couldn't believe.

  Y/n: What was that Rubes, I didn't quite catch what you said, could you please speak up a bit Hun?

  Ruby straightened out her posture, taking a deep breath and confidently saying...

  Ruby: I said I don't mind you seeing half naked... or fully naked for that matter.

  Ruby's face was as red as her cloak, she also found the floor much more interesting than your face at that moment.

  Y/n: Why?  Don't girls usually have a problem with these kinds of things?

  Ruby: not if they like you silly!

  Ruby looked up briefly, trying to guage your response.

  Y/n: you... like me?

  Ruby giggled, still blushing heavily.

  Ruby: Yeah, how could I not.  You've given me lots of love, affection, and attention, from the day I met you in fact.  You saved me from myself, from my past and my emotions.  You've given me reason to continue existing....

  Ruby stood from your bed, and began gingerly approaching.

  Ruby:'ve stood up for me, protected me, and have made me feel beyond special.  You make me feel good Y/n, really good.  And while I don't have nearly as much experince as Yang does with the more... naughty parts of a relationship... But I'm willing to learn!  So long as you love and except me, I'll do anything!

  Y/n: I can't believe it, Ruby just confessed to me, while I've had my suspicions that Ruby liked me, I never would have guessed SHE would make the first move.

  Ruby looked up at you, tears threatening to spill out and over her cheeks.  Her eyes held nothing but fear, anxiousness, hopefullness.... and love, pure and strong.  She was silently pleading with you to accept her love, and reciprocate it with your own, and you planned on doing just that.

  Y/n: Ruby....  I love you more than words can describe, every night when I fall asleep cuddled up to you, I can feel my heart flutter, like it's trying to beat in harmony with your own...

  Ruby was openly crying happy tears now, burying her face in your chest.

  Y/n: I will always be there for you my Little Rose Blossom, always and forever.


  I was planning on taking a step back from the RWBY Fandom until it decided to behave itself again, but I got a bit of inspiration, decided to slap dis bitch on here.  Don't say I'm not a merciful lord. 

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