School Days (But Actually Good)

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Let the rage commence,

  Y/n P.O.V.

   You lead Velvet back to your table, being careful as to not hurt her. 

  Y/n: How are you feeling Vel?
   Velvet: a little shook up, but overall fine.

  Y/n: if they give you trouble again, tell me.  Okay?

  Velvet: so you can beat them up?

  You came upon your table, letting Velvet sit down before responding.

  Y/n: So I can rip their arms off and beat them to death with them.

  Pyrrah: violence only begets violence.

  Y/n: So I guess we should just let Grimm eat and kill people?

  Pyrrah: touche.

  Y/n: What are you gonna do know Vel?

  Velvet: I don't know, I can't really go back to my old dorm.... shit.

  Y/n: I'm an expert Floor Sleeper.

  Velvet: what do you mean?

  Y/n: You can use my bed until things blow over.

  Velvet: no, I could never do that to you.

  Y/n: What else can you do, Ozprick has made it perfectly clear that he cares very little about his Faunus students.  So quit the little pride act, and bunk with us for a while.

  Pyrrah: after what just happened, it's probably best you keep away from them.

  Blake: and we can more effectively protect you if you share a room with us.

  Ruby: yeah!

  Such a cinnabun, I'll pet the hell out of that head later.

  Velvet: I appreciate your kindness, really I do, but I can't steal your bed Y/n.

  Y/n: The only other option is that we share it.

  Velvet started blushing.

  Velvet: then I guess we'll be bedmates.

  You began petting her head.

  Y/n: you're so sweet it's giving me diabetes.

  Velvet giggled and blushed harder.

  Velvet: I try.

  Y/n: Effortlessly.

  Velvet began to bashfully try to deflect your complement.

  Blake: do you hit on every girl you meet.

  Y/n: no, I outright insulted Yang and Wiess when we met.  I only hit on the girls I already like.

  Blake: awe, was that a confession?

  Y/n: it was more of a statement, but yeah, you're pretty cool Blake, wish we spent more time together.

  Blake rolled her eyes in annoyance, but the blush on her face told another story.

  She wants to have my kittens....

  God I'm a degenerate.

  Time Skip Brought to you By Blake Brand Catnip.

  Velvet sat to your right, Ruby to your left, Blake sat beside Velvet, and Pyrrah sat beside Ruby, and you sat in Ooblek's class.

  He was speeding around the class, high off is ass, Goddamned bathsalts mixed with Cocaine, mixed with Coffee.  That or its liquid sugar.  Mixed with Cocaine, Bathsalts, and Coffee.  Probably the latter. Oh shit, I missed his question.

  Pyrrah: you're not the open minded person are you Jaune?

  Damn it Jaune, am I gonna have to kill your useless ass?

  Cardin: It's not our fault that pretty boy over there gets off to animals.  Must suck, hit me up when you want a real man.

  Y/n: keep your filthy fingers off MY GIRLS.

  Pyrrah, Ruby, Velvet, and Blake looked at you, their cheeks ablaze.

  Ooblek: I can take a good hint who "his girls" are.

  Cardin: pfft, whatever.


  Your Crimson eyes glowed through your black wrap, causing Cardin to reel back in fear.

  Y/n: didn't think so, bitch boy.


  Girls Affection Levels

  Pyrrah: 6/10

  Ruby: 10/10 (falling in love)

  Blake: 5/10

  Velvet: 7/10


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